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Y/N POV...

I came with my secretary to Jungkook's cabin ....

Jiwoo(Secretary of Y/n): Ma'am please give this knife to me!..

He said while to pointing to a knife which I am holding...

Y/n: Why!! I love this ! And I won't let to touch anyone to my things!...

Jiwoo: I know ma'am but if you will take this knife there what If The new employee got scared!...

Y/n: Don't worry! I will handle everything!..

I said and went inside there cabin...

Jungkook: Come in!..

I entered and the new employee and Yooji stood up to greet me...

I gave a sign to sit down I sat beside Jungkook meanwhile Jiwoo sat with Yooji...

Jungkook: So Ryung! Meet her! She is my Wife and the Half owner of the Jeon corporation!...

Ryung: Hello! Mrs.Oueen Mafia!..

Y/n:Hello! Ryung!!...

Jungkook pass me her file and to hold it I put the knife on the table...

Except Ryung everyone is very calm and there are used to with her behaviour, likes and dislikes...

Meanwhile Ryung who taught her whole history of the murder by Y/n.. and started shivering...

Yooji saw it try to make her calm...

Y/n: Hmm! Looks fine!.. You can join to the company!..

I said and stood up from there and about to left but Jungkook stopped me while saying...

Jungkook: Wait! Y/n!.. I think we need to take a interview of her!..

Y/n: Interview? What kind of interview do you want to take when she gave  7 interviews to join our company ( 7 interviews was mentioned in her file)

Jungkook: I know! But I want a single last interview of her !..

Y/n: Fine!..

I sat and again sir down beside him..

Y/n: Should I start first?..

Jungkook nodded...

Y/n: So Ryung! What is your fav colour?..

Ryung: It's red ma'am!.

Y/n: *smirk* Red!! Great!.. Them tell me do like this?..

She said while holding her knife again make Ryung said...

Ryung: H-Huh? Y-Yes!..

Y/n: Perfect*smirk* Then tell me You love to kill people?

Ryung: Yeaah! I mean only who are deserve to be kill!..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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