05. deal with the devil

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Sinara wanted to punch something, preferably the face of one Lucio Vaughans

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Sinara wanted to punch something, preferably the face of one Lucio Vaughans.

Amari had spent the last two hours holed up with Myra and Zina in the captain's cabin, treating their burns and the gash down Myra's back. The healer had emerged from the cabin about ten minutes ago, looking completely worn-out, before gesturing for Sinara, Asenathe, and Erin to come in, and heading off to tend to the more minor injuries of the rest of the crew.

Myra was sitting at her chair behind her desk, looking utterly exhausted, while Zina was already fast asleep in Myra's bed in the corner of the cabin,

"I'm going to kill him," Erin hissed as she stalked into the cabin to sit on one of the stools opposite the desk.

Sinara's murderous, internal dialogue echoed Erin's words, as the gunner glared at the bandages peeking out from under Myra's shirt.

"No one's killin' anyone," Myra sighed tiredly, leaning her head against the seat behind her with her eyes closed. "Murder would be suboptimal at this point, and would likely only lead to more bloodshed."

"Good," Asenathe muttered.

"No," Myra shot back quickly, her eyes snapping back open to fix sternly on her second mate, before sweeping across to the rest of them. "I mean it, you guys." She shook her head. "Listen, we have an opportunity here to work with the Devil's Scorn. It would be stupid to waste it just because Zina and I got a little dinged up."

"A little dinged up?" Sinara asked incredulously. "Vaughans tried to burn you both alive, Myra."

"Well, he didn't–"

"But he could have," Erin snapped. "Forgive us if we are not inclined to suddenly forget that in favor of cooperation."

The silence was deafening in the cabin. Myra closed her eyes and rubbed at her temples, as her friends pinned her with their stares.

"You guys saw how the Navy ships were just sittin' in the bay," she said finally. "They either followed us or the Scorn or– or somehow knew how to find us, or worse, they were also here for the Keys and they just happened to be here at the same time as us." Her brow furrowed deeper and deeper as she continued, "If the Navy gets involved with the Keys, if they start tryin' to actively find them– I don't even want to think about how bad that could be for Triton."

"We can handle the Navy," Asenathe said confidently. "Whether we work with the Scorn or not, both our crews have been outrunning them for years at this point."

"Okay, fine, fuck the Navy for a second, forget them," Myra snapped, her voice raw with exhaustion and stress, causing Sinara to frown in concern—it was so rare for her captain to allow herself to be vulnerable, meaning something was really going on. Myra continued, "We can't handle the Keys, at least not on our own– Asenathe, you saw the cavern. Those carvings– the age of it– there's a lot more goin' on here than we can understand, and I'm startin' to think that we might not be able to handle it alone."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23 ⏰

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