' The Last Consequence '

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Mrs.White fell to the ground, sobbing enough to fill an entire glass with her grief. Mr. White's hand fell softly upon her shoulder in an attempt of comfort. Strangely, their eyes couldn't pull away from their son's mangled body that was disappearing like dust in the wind. They were both crying knowing that that would be the last image they saw of their son instead of his handsome smile waving to them goodbye when he left for work. They thought he would be home for dinner, but he was only there to haunt them knowing how painfully he had died.

"It'll be okay my love, for he is suffering no longer like he was in that wretched machine." Mr. White sobbed solemnly. He still was trying to get the image of that monster out of his head. Once again, he tried to imagine his beautiful son but again pictured that creature.

"You have no right to call me that any longer! You took away my one chance at having my baby boy back! I will never, ever forget what you did, you killed my boy!" She exploded in a fit of disgust towards her husband.

"What do you mean? That thing was not our beautiful boy! It was a monster! A creature that should have never existed in the first place! Did you really want that thing living under our roof knowing it was once our son suffering!" He froze in a protective stance of his beliefs.

Mrs. White went limp to that comment, her hands went into fists of boiled rage that had been kept in the oven for far too long. She hurled at him with sharp claws digging into his face. She knocked him to the ground while throwing random yet heavy pouches to all of his body. The pain ripped through his body at an excruciatingly fast speed. She ignored any voice that was telling her to stop in her head. He insulted the thing she loved most and for that she would never forgive him.

" I want a divorce, you are a terrible husband and a terrible father! You are the monster not Herbert" She said as her punches got stronger and stronger, like pouring rain outside. They continued to have even more meaning behind them and more fight. Her fists were numb by this point from hitting bone.

He pushed her off of him in a fit of shock, it was instinct, he never thought of how hard he would push. Their legs were still touching, he felt her legs go cold. Mr. white scrambled away from her instantly. She laid still there like a sack of potatoes. He rushed to her side, little to know her eyes were wide and full of hatred. Once he finally noticed this, he pinned her down. He did not hurt her, he just simply made it so that she couldn't attack him again.

" We can get a divorce! Just stop all this, it's not worth it!" He sobbed between breaths. Tears were pounding out of his eyes at the thought of losing his wife as well as his son in one day.

She stopped struggling beneath him. However, she had not once lost the look of absolute sick look on her face like she saw him kill their son right in front of her without hesitation.

"I Should have never married you, you brute, I should have known you would be this cruel. You are no that man I once knew." Her eyes went dark as she pulled away from him when he finally let her go. "I am no monster!" He screeched lunging on top of her again. Strangely, he couldn't feel himself constrained by what he did,it seemed his body moved on its own, controlled by the pure rage boiled up inside him.

"Do you want to leave me now?! Eh?! Answer me you old hag!" Mr. White White howled in satisfaction of seeing his wife all broken and mangled just as his son had been. It was a fitting death and he would enjoy this scene in his mind for years on end. She didn't respond, the only thing she could do was show a face of regret and fear. He stood up, his was hiding from the world under the shadow that had casted upon his face. Blood dripped from his clenched fists leaving a trail as he stumbled over to the table that had the same knife that Herbert had used to cut the Sergeant a bun. Obviously, his hand went straight to the knife to which he grasped it tightly.

" It wasn't supposed to end this way, Why would I do that? Why on earth would I kill the one person I had loved enough to marry?" He glanced back to his dearest and a single tear fell down his face, which he ended up wiping away.

" I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," He cried to the un moving body and whimpered, " please forgive me when I come and join you, you were right, we never should have played with that damned paw in the first place."

He brought the knife to his throat feeling light headed while he moved in one quick motion slitting his throat. Rather than it feeling painful, it felt warm as the blood gushed out of his throat. He attempted to cry out, but, the only sound coming from his month was gurgling as if he was just getting ready in the morning to play chess before Herbert had to leave for work. Before he knew it, he fell to his knees feeling a sharp pain run through his body. His eyes dropped, it felt like their was an invisible weight on his back, preventing him from his wife. As he started drifting into a deep sleep. His body convulsed one last time before he went completely limp.

After a while the authorities were called to the scene along with everyone who had heard or seen anything that happened. Including the Sergeant.

" Oh John.. What have you done to yourself?" The Sergeant asked as he stared down at the lifeless rotting corpse that was once his friend. He had a good, simple, happy life. Sadly, he grabbed the curse item that looked like it was thrown to the floor. A tear was brought to his eyes as he looked at the item that hurt him more than anything. Stumbling back to the body, he dropped the trap back to give the man peace.

" I promise you on my life, this will never hurt anyone else whether you were the last person to use it or not. " He looked back at the monkey's paw and ended up with these last words, " I should have done this a long time ago."

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