Harry Potter Preference

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I'm going to start adding preferences to this book! however, I am not going to do it traditionally however. I feel like people come to preferences for just  a few characters so all of the preferences for one character is going to be in one or two chapters.

Feel free to let me know what character(s) you want next!





Same as him



Fave Subject



two older sisters (one two years older, one three years older), one younger brother (three years younger), all of whom attend Hogwarts 

Who your friends are

Dean, Seamus, Ginny

Where you met

Third year,  you where staying at the Weasleys for the last few weeks of the summer, you and ginny has become close friends in your second (her first) year

When you realize you like each other

for him: after his name got pulled out of the goblet of fire, everyone (even Ron) didn't really talk to him. the day after people were avoiding him and you noticed so when he didn't come to dinner you tracked him down (by the black lake) and brought him a plate. you told him that everyone was being stupid and you knew he didn't want this.

for you: during the first task you became afraid that he was going to get hurt or killed by the dragon. when he lived you ran down and hugged him realizing just how much you cared

Yule Ball

you and harry became close throughout the year, you helped him try to figure out the egg, when the ball came around you waited for him to ask you, dropping MAD hints, but this nervous little wreck couldn't get the nerve to do it. It was a week before the ball and he still hadn't asked you so when a boy from durmstrang asked you you said yes. the next day harry asked Parvati.

you and your date had fun for a while and then he went off with his friends while you went and hung out with Hermione for a while

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you and your date had fun for a while and then he went off with his friends while you went and hung out with Hermione for a while. when rona nd Hermione got into a fight you stayed behind to comfort her.

How you start dating

after the ball you didn't talk to harry much. one day he found you by the lake and he tried to talk to you but you didn't say much

"I don't understand what I did Y/N. What are mad about?" harry asked. You sighed and continue skipping rocks. 

"The ball harry," you said looking down.

"The fight with rona nd Hermione? Y/N I'm sorry I didn't sa-"

"It isn't because of that harry," you said still not looking at him.

"then what is it!" he said raising his voice. "I've been trying to get you to talk to me for weeks! I thought that -"

"I wanted you take me harry!" you yell interrupting him. "and I thought I made it pretty damn clear but I guess not." you look at him to see him with shocked look on his face. "I'm sorry. I know I don't have a right to be mad at you I just hated seeing you dance with someone else..."

harry took you hand and you two danced by the black lake. he made you laugh and you two even almost fell in. after he asked you to hogsmead the next weekend

Your first date

he takes you to hogsmead. you two go to the candy and joke shop and the three broomsticks and any other fun little shops

you know this boy just spoiled the crap out of you

Your first kiss

before the third task when he is getting ready. you sneak into his dorm.

"harry?" you ask nocking on the door.

"y/n? come in," you hear him say. you open the door to see him poored over books on his bed

"what are you doing?" you asked.

"just wanted to make sure I got these last few spells down," he said. you went over and sat next to him, wrapping you arms around his waist. he looked up after a second giving you a confused look. "you're in my dorm. you've never been in my dorm."

"Is that ok?"

"Yea I just wasn't expecting it." he said kissing your cheek.

"you're going to do great today," you said trying to sound confident.

"you don't sound to sure." he said.

"I'm just worried about you. you almost died in the last two tasks and this is the hardest one." you said starting to show the anxiety in your voice

"hey," harry said turning to more and rubbing your back. "I'll be okay. I've been studying." 

"well just in case your not..." you leaned in and planted a very sweet kiss on his lips.


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