Keeps Going

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... music plays in here

but the sounds are unheard.

The source of the notes,

Struck a chord, hit some nerves.

Playing with this beat:

Warning! Not recommended.

The careless and unworthy

Have been known to trip on tendons.

A minor change can ruin this dynamic.

A sharp turn can cause a lot of panic.

Much time spent, aiding tears, that ran deep in me.

Hints of regret, anger searching for right remedies.

So many years building all these melodies.

Hand-crafted walls, made of brick, thick, with memories.

In here,

Everything is monochromatic.

Rivers of red, flowing, through circuits of static.

Right, down, left, up

A rhythmic circulation.

Pull, yank twist, knot

A sad instrumentation.

Traumatizing the core

leaving unhealed scars and damages.

Source only sees movement

can't hear any of core's internal challenges.


The core will resume pumping at normal pace again

Half-step that tempo, pain enters, and resentment follows her friend.

Sorry future, here's your disadvantage then.

Present questions Past

Past fears Future

While Future mindlessly sings

Future brings an orchestra

Past runs away

While Present plays the symphony's strings.

Future couldn't hear

Present will embrace

and Past is now a tune

Hopefully, with time,

this wordless rhyme,

can evolve into something good soon.

If not, that's ok.

Just means the song will repeat,

and replay, above, always

close and near.

Please feel free to ask questions, comments,

Maybe, things will become much clearer.

But, make sure to speak up, loud, don't steer.

Listen carefully, silent, closely with both ears.

Because, one day, you may, get lucky

and notice that ...


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