049. 'and if I bleed, you'll be the last to know'

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""I love you, " ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?

He looks up grinning like a devil"

         THE VERY START OF ANOTHER cruel summer had arrived on Dodie's doorstep like an annoying whiplash on the neck. Birds were chirping, donkeys were crying, and mothers were screaming — it was definitely going to be the summer of all summers. You know, where everything practically falls.

...at least, that was supposed to be a part of Dodie's itinerary anyway.

"Yo, yo, Dodie-kins,"

This was not a part of Dodie's itinerary anyway.

When Dodie fluttered her eyes shut, she was waiting to float in the middle of the abyss, however, that plan was down the drain the moment she opened her eyes to find a pair of blue eyes looking back at her. And it wasn't the type of blue eyes that she fancied dreaming about.

"Apollo," the words fell off her lips like a taste of bitter tea.

Apollo, the sun god, had made it his mission to ensure that her well-deserved sleep was going to be ruined. It was like his ultimate goal in his immortal life to ensure that she would always be restless with that annoying grin of his that was as bright as the sun itself. Dodie wanted to scoff.

"Aw, don't give me that look," he pouted his lips as he rounded her like a puppy. Dodie merely rolled her eyes as she remained seated on what looked to be a makeshift ground made out of clouds. "It's 'Dad' to you, Andromeda,"

"And it's 'Dodie' to you, Dad," she repressed a scowl, "What are you even doing here? Aren't you supposed to be preparing for war —"

"Oh yeah," Apollo sat down across from her, tapping his chin thoughtfully. But Dodie doubted his mind was ever clouded with thoughts. "Because Jackson's turning sixteen, isn't it?"

"Well, duh," Dodie said, quirking a brow. "His birthday —"

"How come you remember something so trivial as Jackson's birthday but not your own father?" said Apollo, and Dodie was beginning to think that dying was better than having to deal with her father in her dreams.

So, instead of answering him, she heaved out a deep breath and closed her eyes.

Apollo furrowed his eyes. "Hello? Earth to Dodie?" he waved his hand in front of her face, but she remained in her position, breathing in and out as lightly as she could, for she thought that if she were to forget about her father, he would disappear from her dreams and be replaced by the sight of an adorable kitten.

𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐘. percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now