Different Worlds

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Have you ever watched your whole world fall apart from within the contents of your mind? It's a scary thing, knowing one person has that power. All they have to do is say that one word- or worse- walk away. That's what I was doing now. Up at three a.m. just thinking. My eyes slowly got heavier but my mind continued to race. What was it about her?

I never thought I'd fall into that trap so easily. Her grey eyes, her curly dark hair, the curve of her hips, her sparkling smile- she was physical perfection. But it wasn't just that, it was her personality, too. It's the saddest and most beautiful thing in the world when you a meet a pretty girl that doesn't know she's pretty, that thinks she's not good enough because people walk right by her or jealousy finds its voice. It's beautiful because they're unspoiled by the sweetness of compliments, yet sad because a frown is what settles on their face rather than a smile. I wanted to give her her first taste of sugar; I wanted to be the one to uncover the mirror for her. I wanted her to see what I saw- a sometimes sad girl, that sees the world for what it is and each act of cruelty hurts her as though it was her mother that died in that shooting, or her brother that was afraid to walk down the street, or her younger sibling drenched in innocence that was sent home early, or her sister that was thrown on the ground and manhandled.

She was everything that I was not. The mind was much greater than the body in her world. Emotional connection and personality was what attracted her to a person- their words, not their hourglass figure. Everyone was equal and kindness was the only thing that could make someone a potential candidate for her affection. That's why I almost cried. I was not good. I was just an angry girl with a past seeking redemption.

A restless sleep finally came and put a stop to my thoughts. I dreamt of her, our lips meeting for the first time in an explosion of color because that's what happens when different worlds collide.


"Put that down," Lawrence hissed.

I turned and swung the gun in his direction. He snatched it out of my hand and placed it on the shelf.

"Are you trying to get us in trouble?" He asked with annoyance.

"Well, don't be a wet blanket. I was just trying to have some fun. Besides, it's not even loaded and they wouldn't have it out in the open if they didn't want people to touch it," I reasoned.

He rolled his eyes at me and stomped away. I sighed and followed after. He was my best friend and I hated it when he was mad at me, but gosh he was always so sensitive; I was pretty sure I had more balls than him.

A male voice called out from the front of the store, so we headed in that direction.

"We can go now; I have everything," Lawrence's dad informed us.

"Great," I mumbled as Lawrence continued to shun me and we pushed our way out the door. This was going to be a long trip.

We walked out the store and hopped into his dad's truck.

Lawrence's dad was a hunter. There was some type of yearly convention thing he went to that was held in different locations. This time it was in California, which I thought was kind of weird considering, but didn't question. Anyways, Lawrence was 17 and could hold his own normally, but after getting in with the wrong crowd, making a few bad decisions, and having one too many drinks, he lost his dad's trust so he was being carted along. And that's where I came in. However disappointed he was in his only son, he still loved him and didn't want to be too harsh on him; his dad was like parent goals to me. He was allowed to bring a few friends along with him, so of course I was invited since we've been friends since second grade. Yup, Lawrence is my forever buddy. Except for that one time when he made things awkward by trying to date me and I was rude about turning him down but then I felt bad so I said yes but then we both realized how awkward it was to kiss someone that was like a sibling to you so then I went out with Denzel who was honestly just surprised to get a girls attention and oddly happy because he thought I "looked like a lesbian" and I didn't know how to explain to him that I was gender fluid but yea. That was a long run on sentence. And now back to the regularly scheduled story.

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