Mine and Yours

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"Your hair is so soft.." Milo mumbled sheepishly.

"Thanks..." I melted into my friend's touch. Milo leaned his face into my hair, mumbling something. However, it was too quiet, I couldn't make it out, it didn't help I was a purring mess as my tail twitched happily. Milo and I have always been this close, everyone in our lives knew this. Watching us grow up alongside each other since the age of maybe 6. Now to think, it's only been ten years since we've met, I took a second to think about how much we both have changed. I smile, gently lifting myself up into a sitting position like Milo.

"Everything alright?" Milo asked, cocking his head to one side. The golden sunlight peeking in from the tree canopies above made him look like a dream. His dirty blonde hair, occasionally being broken by streaks of red-gold feathers shimmered in the light. However his eyes, Milo's eyes, are the prettiest I've ever seen. Stunning Green with specks of a Golden-Amber with the outskirts being some sort of seafoam, they would never not make me breathless. I nodded, sighed happily at the sight of him. "Sorry, the sunlight always does you favors!" I assured him. Milo's olive skin was now painted with a reddish tint, and his eyes darted across the clearing they were in.

We both discovered this clearing when we were quite young, maybe two years into our everlasting friendship. This was the clearing that I stood onto a rock and declared that Milo would never be able to get rid of me. Not for as long as I can stand. I've kept that promise all throughout our childhoods, we've been best friends, and always will be. Just friends.

Milo's eyes land on a flower and he reaches out to pick it, sheltering it in his hand. His beautiful feathered wings wrapped around his body to help shield the wind. It wasn't a strong thing, the stem was all wobbly, and the petals wilted. I could see sorrow in his eyes, he felt bad for the flower? To be fair Milo has always been an empathetic person, which was very cute and sweet. However, I wish it didn't hurt him so much.

Milo put the flower in his shirt pocket, clearly keeping it. I lean out and take it out of his pocket and place it behind his ear without thinking. I lean back and take a look at him.

"There, if you're gonna keep it, at least put it in your hair, the purple compliments your feathers.." I stare at him, absorbing all his beauty. Just friends...

He chuckles and takes it out of his hair. "Thanks but I don't want it to get hurt as much as it already is.."

Milo responded, placing it back in his pocket. There was more than just sorrow behind his eyes, I could tell. "Are you gonna try to grow it and make it feel better?" It seemed like something he would do, so I had to ask. To my surprise Milo just shook his head. "I'm going to dry it, it reminds me of someone" he looked at the flower in his pocket lovingly. I chuckle. "It reminds you of Avaaaa doesn't it?" He jerks upright. "H-hey! It's not like that!" His wings spread out defensively behind him. I stand up, my tail swishing playfully.

I started imitating Ava, for a wolf-kin she was really dependent on Milo and was everywhere he went. Well almost. However it always pisses me off, she always talks about how she's gonna marry Milo when they get older. Milo got up after me, and looked away shyly. "Come on, you know it isn't like that- our parents are just close friends.." Milo rubs his arms, his wings wrapping around himself, he shrunk behind them. Milo just knows how to tug at my heartstrings because I immediately rush over and hug him.

"Sorry sorry- I know how much you don't like her. I'm sorry... I was just joking around" I swallowed hard. "You know ? Like friends do.." I step away as Milo unwraps himself, his face looks normal enough, but there was hurt behind his eyes. My breath hitched in my throat, his eyes were glassy, I hurt him. "I uh- I have to go, it's getting late and everything I just think it's bes-"

Mine and Yours // OC FluffWhere stories live. Discover now