Dear Diary...

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Dear Diary,

My name is Alexandra, but I like to go by Alex. The only people in this world that are allowed to call me Alexandra are Hannah(my best friend), Mr. Jacobs(the band teacher), and my mom(when she's angry). Now I'm not going to use you, Diary, like a normal person does. Like telling you about my problems and blah blah blah. No, I'm going to give you the story of my life. Starting today...

 When I woke up it was 7:11 and my alarm has yet to go off.

"Ugh!" I groan pushing the covers off me. I set the alarm for 6:30, but it apparently didn't go off. I quickly grabbed a pair of my gray capri sweats and my light blue Aeropostale shirt. I stripped out of my cute phillies pj set and put on the other clothes. I pulled my curly dark brown hair up into a ponytail with a thin white hair tie. I scurried off into the bathroom to brush my teeth wash my face and put on my daily makeup of eyelinear, mascara, and of course chapstick. I grabbed my bagged lunch from my mom and was out the door. It was 7:45 when I made it to the bus stop. Manisha soon greeted me when she arrived a moment later. I stole a glance at the hottest guy at my school, Drew. He luckily lived a block from me. He was standing beside,Omar, who is well something. At the other side of the street were 7th grade twins Nico and CHristan. When the bus soon arrived I quickly took a seqat near the front. I am kinda shy so I try not to sit near the back. I always sit alone on the bus because its a great place to just think.

When we got to the school I sadly got stuck not being able to get off intill my friend Monique who does sit in the back let me in front of her.

"Alex!" she screamed

"Monique!" I screamed back with a smile.

We both laughed and exited the bus. I walked a couple steps until I found my friend Olivia. Olivia is only 4'11 and is a bit hefty, but I personly think its all muscle. SHe has murky green eyes and dirty blonde hair. She had it permantly straightened for a few monthes so it looks really good. She was wearing a plain brown t-shirt and a pair of jeans with her gray knit uggs.

I went to my locker and put away my boos and bookbag.

My Scheduale for the day is....


Gym-Mrs. S or Music-Mr. Sha




Spanish 1-Ms.E

Algebrea 1-Mr.G

English-Mr. K

Today I have gym, and we are running. I really don't mind running, but I'm the only girl in my class who doesn't hate it. I get stuck lapping all the girls and alll but 3 guys in my class. I find it sort of emmbarrising. I ended up getting 3:02 in the half mile. I did okay, but I was just jogging. WE spent the rest of class doing the long jump which is fun.

"Alex,Alex,Alex,Alex,Alex,Alex!" Pat yelled

"Huh, what/" I asked in a daze. I was still sorta sleepy.

He was holding the longjump rack thingy in his hand right over my head pretending to drop it. I screamed and jumped back making him explode into laughter. Pat is a surfer dude. He has bleach blonde hair, he's really tan, and has brown eyes. He is really nice!

During science we had a sub so I did my Social Studies work. Every 2 weeks me and a couple other kids have to go to after school Social Studies class because we take Spanish 1.

My class

Abby A (friend)

Anthony B (locker neighbor)

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