June 2, 2011

22 0 0

Dear Diary,

Okay today was pretty boring until i got home from school. I had school and i didn't really do anything until i got home.

"Happy Birthday Tammy!" my mom yells into the phone.

Tammy and my mom start talking and i go upstairs into my room. their old lady talk bores me. About 15 minutes later i hear a knock on my door.

"Get on your shoes we are going to go visit Tammy." my mom says

I nod my head. She walks out of my room and closes the door. I franticly fix my ponytail and take a look in the mirror. My clothes look okay. I am wearing a pair of jean capis and a pink plaid and heart t-shirt(it looks cuter then it sounds). My makeup is still on which is good and my breath doesn't smell. I put on my gray flats and go ouside. I thsnkfully grabbed my ipod so listen to that for the 15 minute car ride.

When we get ti the house Lilah ubs ti the car.

"Hi David, Hi Tiffany!" Lilah says when w get out of the car.

"Hi Lilah." i say smiling

She gives me a cold glare and her and EDavid run to the hose Lilah was playing with before we got there. I started walking across the yard when I was soaked with water.

"AAAHHH!" I screamed, the water was freezing.

I walk into the house so I don't try to kill Lilah and I am dripping wet. Me being my lucky sle f walk right in to a lving room filled with 3 hot guys. Adam and his bandmates, Dylan and Payne. I am exremly pissed now. They all look at me and start laughing they are dying. I glare at Adam and ask where the towels are. He tells me they are in a closet around the corner. IWhen I am drying myself off in the bathroom Amber walks by and gives me a pair of Sofie SHorts to wear. I am now sitting in Adam's house in a pair if very very tiny purple shorts and a very very tight and slightly wet black tank top. My hair is our fo its ponytail and is thankfully nicely culed and still prety wet. Dylan and PAyne were gone when I was done gettig changed

"ALex ccan I give you a makeover?" Amber askes xcidely.

"Sure!" I say

An hour later AMber is done. My hair is straightened and gorgeous. My makeup really brigd out the blue in my eyes and I look great. When I walk fown stairs Adam checks me out and when I blulsh he winks.

"Kids Tiffany amd I are going to the school, anyone want to come?" Tammy askes

"I do!" shoats Lilah, David, Adel Jr, and AMber

"ALex, Adam do you mind stayoing here alone?" Tammy askes us.

"No." we reply together

We sit and talk about school and other stuff for awhile until the doorbell rings. WE hear giggles and th esound of runnig feet. Asdam opns the door to see we've been ding-dong-itched. WHen the door opened Lilah's dog Holly ran out of the house. Adam started after her and was surprisingly fast. I slipped off my shoes and sprinted to her. I was able to catch her pretty quickly.

"Damn, you can run." Adam says breathlessly

I shrug my shouldsers and say,"Eh, I'm okay."

WE take Holly in and Adam pluggs in his i-pod. The song,"Secret Valentine" comes on by WE the KIngs. We both start sing along eith the lyricas. After awhile Adam askes me what kind of music I like. I tell him my favorite band is We the Kings and All American Rejects, and AI like all music except country and rap. He said that was his fav bands and he liked all but rap and country music too.

"What's your favorite We the Kings song?" he aksed

I blushed and said,"The Quiet"

He nodded his head and put the song on,"Thats my favorite too."

AFter a coupole of songs a hardcore metal song comes on. It;'s pretty good.

"Oh i doubt you'd like this." Adam says starting to change is.

"WHo;s ot by I ask."

"Asking ALexandria" he responds

"I acctually like a couple of their songs." i say

"Really?! I've never met a girl who's liked them before." he says excidedly

"YUpp/" I say smiling.

We continue talking until everyojne gets home. We're all talking adn laghing while we all make then eat dinner. By now its like 9 o'clock. Adam goes on the computer. I am on the floor right behind him, everyone else is on the couch right next to the computer table. He is on facebook.

"Ding!" goes the computer letting you lnow you have a facebook message.

"Hello, my you please return my friend alex back to ventnor now?" Adam says reading the messagr.

Amediatly my cheecks flame up and I know exactly who it is.

"Hannah D'Amelo" Adam says reading the name of the messager.

Everyone ammidetly gets up and to see the mesage.

"Who is this?" Adam says confused.

DAvid and my mom laugh while I say," SHes my best friend"

"OOOHHH" he says typing back the respnce,"NO! she's trapped here!"

Hannah then respnds with "damn i'll get her back!"

Adam says,"Never ;)"

MY mom thn says we have to go so I gove everyone a hug. Then I hug Adam and tell him to tell me what else Hannah says leter ehrn I go on facebook. He says okay and gives me another hug. I leave, and soon after get a call from Hannah. SHe tells me that after he put"never ;)" she put "we will see" and he put ":'( you win she has left" and she put "YES! victory is mone!" they then talked a bit more about other stuff. WHen I got home I went on facebooka dn me and Adam talked a little. Now I am writting this befoer bed! Ah wel nighty-night!


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