050. 'love just doesn't happen to everyone who wants it'

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"Maybe one day when I'm older, 

I might understand why"

         IT WAS KNOWN THAT DODIE had never had a quest of her own, so she was usually saved from having to go up to that blasted attic that was situated in, well, the attic of the Big House. In that regard, she kind of deemed herself one of the lucky ones because of that.

However, that was not to say that she was entirely free from ever going up there. Clearly, she had been there. She had — once, twice or maybe a few times from having to take care of the bloody corpse since "Oh, as a child of Lord Apollo, I must take care of his properties" Like hell — but never had it actually been for, you know, prophecies of quests. Though she was definitely familiar with it.

They stared up the ladder that led to, obviously, the top of the staircase. They all glanced at Chiron, there was no way he could get up there with being half-horse and all. And truthfully, he didn't even try as he looked at Annabeth knowingly, with his Dumbledore-ish gaze.

"You know where it is," he instructed. "Bring it down, please."

Annabeth nodded and turned to Percy and Dodie. "Come on, Percy, Dodie."

Dodie's eyes widened in disbelief. "I'm going too?" She pointed at herself incredulously.

"I mean if you're going to be Percy's —" But Annabeth's words fell short as she dodged an oncoming boot that Dodie had thrown at her in flustered protest. Annabeth smiled, and Percy seemed utterly perplexed. Nonetheless, she had already gotten her weekly dose of teasing Dodie. "Oh, well, just come on up anyway."

Dodie reluctantly followed Percy and Annabeth up the ladder. She had been the last one to emerge through the door.

Reluctantly, Dodie followed them up the ladder. She had been the last one to emerge through the door. The sun was setting outside, so the attic was even darker and creepier than usual. Old hero trophies were stacked everywhere — dented shields, pickled monster heads in jars, and even a pair of fuzzy dice on a bronze plaque with the inscription: STOLEN FROM CHRYSAOR'S HONDA CIVIC, BY GUS, SON OF HERMES, 1988.

Dodie and Percy tilted their heads in unison as Percy picked up a curved bronze sword so badly bent it looked like the letter "M".

"How is it even possible to be bent up that badly..." wondered Dodie.

"Pretty sure big rocks can definitely do this," said Percy. "You remember Briares throwing those boulders?"

There were still green stains on the metal from the magical poison that used to cover it. The tag was dated last summer. It read: Scimitar of Kampê, destroyed in the Battle of the Labyrinth.

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