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Still Hoseok's POV:

"Surprise!?" Jimin said with a smile and slowly went to the twins. Hugging them.

"How?" Sehun said rubbing his eyes trying to stay awake.

"Well..." Jimin trailed.

"I invited them here baby, we don't want our friends in danger with this weather right?" Luna stated, standing behind the kids with a big smile. The twins just nodded.

"Are they gonna stay with us now?" Soyeon asked with big begging eyes towards Luna.

"Well, it would be great but it's their choice in the end. They have their own lives and decisions after all." Luna explained softly. Kneeling infront of the twins, putting her hand on Soyeon's shoulder.

"Will you guys stay here with us?" Sehun asked looking at Jimin with his doe eyes, then looked at each one of us with a pout.

"Uh... We... we don't want to bother more. Letting us stay until the storm is gone, is enough for us." Namjoon said timidly.

"But... but what...where will you go after the storm?" Soyeon asked pouting.

"At the tree house Soyeonie." Namjoon answered gently.

"Bu...but.." Soyeon trailed and just lowered her head and nodded. Sehun held Soyeon's hand, then excused theirselves, saying that they'll get back to sleep then walked off upstairs to their rooms.

The room was silent for a few minutes, worry filled the bond and we also sense Luna's curiosity.

"I hope we didn't upset them much. They're too precious." Jin said worriedly. Jimin sat back, next to Tae, comforting the white haired fox since his ears were flopped to his head. Sad that the twins are upset.

"Well, they are kids after all. But you guys don't have to worry. I'll talk to them when they wake up. They both tend to themselves when one is upset or seeing a vision."

"Vision? You mean they can forsee the future?" Namjoons asked and Luna nodded. That made all of us curious and intrigued at the same time.

"Well, everyone that has a hybrid blood have different abilities." Luna said non-chalantly. Taking her cup of chocolate and took a sip.

"The twins are hybrids?" Our eyes widen with what Jimin said.

"Well, yeah. It was a long story. But to make it short, the twins had complications when Yoona, their mom was in labor and had to perform an immediate C-section. After that both of the twins hearts weren't functioning properly and could lead to something worse when they grow up. So, they had to perform a special operation and medicine for them." Luna explained.

"What special operation?" Kookie asked curiously.

"I don't know what it's called but an old resident doctor there named Stell, said he'll make the medicine, with the help of a special blood. A hybrid royal blood." Luna added.

"Wait, what??? Isn't it like the royal bloodline is extinct? They were all slaughtered 20 years ago." We all nodded and Luna sighed then continued.

"Yeah, that's what my brother said but Dr. Stell dismissed him and just said that if he wants his twins alive or not. He was very hesitant but Unnie said that do whatever it takes to save them. So.... yeah. The twins are born humans, but was somehow injected with royal hybrid blood. Hence, the ability to read minds and predictions.

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