ch_3 ancient temple

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Frisk: wa wat a talking flower?                                                                                                           Boggie:yes I am a talking flower and now let me teach you how thing work here.                Boggie:see that red thing that is your soul a very own cultimation of your being               frisk:after all of this I am still confused and then some white things appeard around me?                                                                                                                                                             Boggie:your soul starts weak but can grow stronger by getting lv wat is lv?ofcourse!love now let me share some with you now collet these friendly pettels.                               Frisk:after those pettles hit me... OUCH!i started bleeding..                                                      boggie:you know down here is only killed or be killed right?                                                    frisk:he was about to attack me with more of these things but he started crying?                  Boggie:i am sorry😭i think you were dangerous pls forgive me.                                             Frisk:i forgive you                                                                                                                                boggie:really?thank you 😊 here let me heal you now follow me to the temple and be careful
(Author:frisk will meet chara after one more part=)

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