Chapter 09

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A week later, Nathan stood upright, scrolling idly through his phone in the corner of the breakroom. Hungerily, he chewed on a piece of chicken sandwich like a starved beast that Ira had packed for him this morning, ignoring the rest of his coworkers by the table conversing in office gossip.

After Logan had fired Alex last week, he thought it best to keep to himself onwards. He did not want any more of his colleagues to go through what Alex went through just because of Logan's grudge. Logan's behavior about the past made no sense at this point, and Nathan had every mind to confront him - make it clear to him that this - whatever this was - needed to stop. They weren't young hot-headed adults anymore; they were grown men with lives. Yet, every time he stepped up to Logan's office door with a brave face, he discovered that his voice was lost, and his confidence was gone.

It seemed the effect his father had imprinted on him throughout his years never truly went away. He was indeed a coward; weak and pathetic, laughable.

The door to the breakroom slammed open, startling everybody inside.

Nathan squinted his eyebrows at Andrea, who entered, searching the room with frantic eyes until they landed on him, and a big toothy smile appeared on her face. "Hey!" She waved an arm in the air before striding over to him with thundering steps. Nathan gobbled the last piece of sandwich into his mouth and drank the last bit of water in his cup before he met her halfway. However, before he could get a word out, she thrust a single black folder toward him, and said, "Drop this off at Mr. Anderson's office. Don't knock on the door, just go in - he needs it right away."

Confused, he wrinkled his nose, eyeing the folder in his hands. "Why me?" He asked with a stuffed mouth. "Why can't someone else do it?"

Andrea sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "Beats me," she said. "Orders from the fifth floor. Apparently, Mr. Anderson wants you in his office also - and don't ask me why. Just go, like now."

Logan requested him?

Nathan sighed deeply; he could smell trouble coming a mile away.


Nathan did not bother to linger in front of Logan's office like normal. Instead, he drove past the door and went in with huge strides - weary eyes to the floor like a true pushover, he eagerly wanted to get back out as fast as he could. However, when loud, lewd moans reached his ears like a toxic substance, he instantly stopped in his tracks and his head shot up - looking straight ahead.

He gasped at the sight in front of him, taking a shaky step backward.

On the leather chair behind the desk, Logan sat fully clothed, his lips slightly parted while serpent-like sounds of heated passion spilled from his mouth. On top of him - straddling him, also fully clothed except for his trousers, pushed down to expose his arse, was a young man with his back turned from Nathan's view, perhaps in his mid-twenties. Their intimate connection was evident from the way the man's fingers curled into Logan's hair, twisting and tugging each time he lifted his body, and dropped it back down without an ounce of shame; neither of them had any shame.

Immediately Nathan knew the reason why Logan called him into the office.

He felt absolutely disgusted at the obscene display; foolish; wronged; betrayed.

Still, he had no justification, no right to experience these emotions - these unrelenting aches that appeared in his heart, and the very depths of his soul, he had no right. Logan did not belong to him, nor did he belong to Logan. Yet, when Logan's eyes caught his attention, gazing at him over the other man's shoulder, drinking in the sight of his shocked face with deep interest and a mocking stare, bitter tears quickly pooled in Nathan's eyes, and the idea of doing something as natural as breathing, in and out, in and out, seemed to be a foreign concept to him.

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