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Soon Kennith was perched on one of the old playground's rusty swings, as he did so often, and rocked back and forth slightly while he mused to himself with a furrowed brow. When idiots like Brandon threw insults at him, the pink-haired boy usually ignored them as best he could, but this time it didn't really work. He also knew what the reason for that was. This time Brandon had mentioned the thing with Stephanie. Kennith suppressed a heavy sigh and just let his gaze wander over the playground, lost in thought, when suddenly, out of nowhere, he was hit in the back causing him to swing back and forth strongly. In shock, the boy let out a high-pitched shriek, followed by loud insults. If he had not held on to the metal chains of the swing, he would have landed straight in the sand!

But suddenly a familiar laugh sounded behind Kennith and in the next moment (y/n) entered his field of vision and grinned broadly at him. "(Y-y/n)! What the hell are you doing here? ...And what was that about?!" The boy didn't quite know whether to be happy to see (y/n), or to be miffed about the act of just now, which clearly amused the (girl/boy/o). "Of course I wanted to scare you, silly!", (y/n) giggled and sat down on the swing next to Kennith, before they also gained momentum and now swung back and forth together with him while they continued: "My mother thought it would be a nice idea to show our friends the marketplace, so I convinced her that I wanted to go for a walk by myself first and would join them later."

"And why did you come here of all places?", Kennith wanted to know and (y/n) chuckled again before playfully closing one eye and putting a finger to their lips while answering: "Because I know you and I knew exactly that you would come here!" For some reason, those words triggered a strange, tingly feeling in Kennith's stomach and a slight rosy glow appeared on his cheeks. He quickly looked straight ahead so (y/n) wouldn't notice and wondered at himself, but by then the feeling was gone. Only when the boy carefully looked over to (y/n) again it reappeared, and when they returned his gaze with a smile, the pink-haired boy blushed even more than before. He immediately turned his head away from the (girl/boy/o) again, which made them smile. What the heck was wrong with him?? Normally he didn't let himself be thrown off track so easily...

"Hey Kennith?", (y/n) started to speak carefully, snapping the boy out of his thoughts. "Yeah?" "Why are your clothes so dirty? Did you... get into a fight with someone?", they asked, looking at him uncertainly, to which Kennith was silent for a moment before finally answering: "Well... not directly, but I just had a rather.. unpleasant encounter with some boys from my class. I-it's all right though, trust me!", the boy quickly assured (y/n) when he noticed their worried expression. "Really? If anything happened you can tell me, after all I don't want you to feel like you have to keep secrets from me, okay?" When Kennith heard those words from (y/n)'s mouth and looked into their (e/c) eyes, his heart was suddenly beating twice as fast as before and the tingly feeling in his stomach increased as well. "Uhm.. y-yeah s-sure..." Now he was also stuttering like some awkward dumbass!! Kennith would have preferred to slap himself in the face.

There was an uncomfortable silence between the two teens for a short time, until (y/n) suddenly had an idea and they looked at Kennith expectantly. "Hey, I just had an idea. How about you come over to my house sometime? We could have a sleepover party! You know, as a little apology for not having time today..." Surprised, Kennith returned their look and briefly thought about whether they really meant it. He would have loved to agree to their idea right away, but for safety's sake he checked again: "Like.. seriously?" "Yeah sure, I wouldn't have suggested it otherwise, would I?", (y/n) grinned, and Kennith tried to ignore his heart palpitations and that fluttery feeling as best he could, and instead just said: "Uhh... well then sure, why not?" "Great, how about tomorrow? That's when my mom works the late shift and won't be back until early morning." "Y-yes sounds good..." "Okay, then it's a deal!", (y/n) decided, giving Kennith a thumbs-up to back it up.

He was still a little out of it from... actually from the whole day, but smiled anyway and nodded, after which (y/n) said: "I have to go now, too, otherwise my mother will get mad at me. I'll call you again tomorrow and tell you where to come, okay?", saying goodbye. Kennith nodded again and also said goodbye to (y/n), whereupon they turned around after a last short wave and walked away across the playground. Kennith looked after the (girl/boy/o) thoughtfully until they turned around a corner and disappeared from his field of vision, before he stood up and walked away in the opposite direction. His thoughts, however, continued to circle around (y/n)...

~ Kennith Simmons x Reader - Hypnotized ~Where stories live. Discover now