Village Chief, Sakonui

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Saeko slid open the door, the other two beside her, looking in as well.

The three of their eyes widened.

Guards were laying on the floor lifeless. An older man laying on the ground as well.

A women was also there. She looked over her shoulder to see them. She narrowed her eyes and dissapeared. Like teleporting away.

"That sure was suspicious." Hinoka spoke.

Kettei hurried to the older man's side, slightly shaking him awake, as he was still breathing.

"No sign of life for the others." Nensuka told them as he layed a body back down.

The old man's eyes slightly opened, being awakened.

He sat up and looked around.

"That was the Mazoku. He killed my guards and I seemed to barely make it... you three are the Heika right? My name is Sokunui."

"Right." Kettei nodded.

"I've never seen her before. She must be able to change herself completely." Sokunui explained.

"We will go investigate now. Do you have any other guards?" Nensuka asked Sokunui.

"Yes, go ahead." He replied. The three of them walked back out into the village and looked around.

They split up and knocked on doors.

"Hello?" A man asks as he answered the door.

"May I inspect your house." Nensuka spoke

"Huh? What for?"

"I am trying to find the Mazoku." Nensuka explained.

"Oh. Sure, come in."

They checked all of the houses and hadn't found anything. They soon found eachother again.

"Anything?" Hinoka asked, annoyed.

"No, unfortunately." Nensuka replied

"Me either." Kettei sighed.


They now were with Sakonui.

"Maybe it knows that you are a Heika. Someone is murdered every night now." Sakonui frowned.

Suddenly, a loud roar was erupting from outside. The guards hurried to ready their weapons.

"Stay in here!" Kettei said as she ran out.

As soon as they exited the large house. They looked over to see a huge whale-like creature swimming beside the village. The roars were more peaceful than aggressive.

Suddenly, again, a scream was heard.

The three looked over to see a woman with blood covering her body as she fell lifelessly to the ground.

'Was that creature... warning us?' Kettei thought to herself before the three of them ran to kill the Mazoku.

The Mazoku looked at them. 3 knives were lifted in the air when she held her arm up. Then she shifted her arm towards the heika as the knives soared to them.

Kettei took out her sword and blocked it while the other two dodged it.

Nensuka in a second was beside her, his sword about to slice her head off.

But before he could do anything, she dissapeared and reappeared behind him. And another three knives could be seen on the other side. His eyes widened as blood started to drip from his mouth.

Kettei's and Hinoka's eyes widened. Hinoka charged towards the Mazoku with her sword. And again, as she was about to strike, the Mazoku dissapeared.

This time it reappeared behind kettei and striked at her neck with her hand.  Kettei's eyes widened and soon closed as she was knocked out and fell on the floor.

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