Leos House

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*We walked to the door and ringed the door bell and Leo opened the door

Hey Pablo and Victoria come inside"Leo said"

Hi Leo"I say"

Hey leo"Gavi said"

*We go inside*

Ok so there is a bar over there and food next to it so make your self like home"Leo said"

Ok thanks Leo"I say"

Ok well I am going to get a drink bye"Gavi said"

What never loser"I say"

*Then Gavi left and after he left vini came over with some friends*

Hey Vic why so lonely?"Vini said"

Oh Gavi just left for some Drinks"I say

Well this is Jude Bellingham and you know Neymar already"he said"

Hi it's nice to finally meet you"Jude said"

Hey yea it's nice to meet you"I say"

Hey Vic how are you"Neymar said"

Good and you ney"I say hugging him"

Well me and Vini are going to get Drunks so bye Vic you later "Ney said blowing me a kiss"

*then I thow a kiss back at Neymar*

So you and Ney?"Jude said"

No no Ney and Leo are is like a dad to me because my dad left me when I was little so and messi is my uncle but they both are like dads to me like Ney and Leo I also use to live with Messi so he is like a dad to me"I say"

Oh damn I didn't know" he said"

Yea "I say"

*Then I see scarlett and she comes up to me and Jude*

Hey bae and Jude"she said"

Um Jude I need to steal her from a minute"Scarlett said"

No it's ok go ahead "he said"

Ok thanks Jude"scarlett said"

Bye Jude"I say"

Bye Victoria"he said also winking and blowing a kiss at me"

*Scarlett didn't see but I just smiled*

Ok what is going on? I say"

Gavi just went inside the bathroom with millie"she said"

WHAT oh I am going to kill him"I say"

*I go straight to the bathroom and a knock on the door and Gavi answers with "it's busy"so I get the key and open the door*

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