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"Hey guys!" Izuku said, entering the void and taking his seat in between Yoichi and Nana.

"Hey, Ninth."


"Welcome Ninth."

"Are you okay? You seem a bit off." Nana asked.

Izuku shook his head and waved his hands around frantically, "No, no, I'm fine. I just didn't get much sleep."

"And you still think he's a good user for one for all? He can't even keep a decent sleep schedule."

"Second!" Yoichi scolded.

"I could've been a nightmare, don't be so harsh on Ninth."

"No, Yoichi usually comforts Izuku through nightmares if he has them."

"Yoichi babies Ninth." Third said.

"I do not!"

"Yes, you do!" The other vestiges raid in union.

"Like he needs it, have you seen his mom baby him?"

"She's not really like that." Izuku muttered.

"What do you mean by that?" Forth said, having heard Izuku.

"Oh- um- nothing! It's nothing! Don't worry about it!"

"That's not suspicious at all."

"What'd he say?" Third said, getting curious.

"Something about his mom not actually being like that."

"Like what?"

"Babying him?"

"Look, it's really nothing! Please just forget it."



"Just drop it, Ninth clearly doesn't want to talk about it. It's probably nothing concerning or important. Ninth had a great like with a front mother, he's a good kid but not fit for one for all. His mom realizes that and is worried. Simple as that."

"She doesn't know about one for all of all for one."

"So you didn't even tell her, that proves my point."

Izuku scoffed despite himself, "You know nothing of my life."

Second turned to face him with an annoyed and angry look, "We've been in your head since you swelled Eighth's hair, I know everything about you."

"You haven't walked in my shoes." Izuku said, continuing on. He didn't get any sleep last night, All Might was harsh on his training today but at the same time not really there, he almost fell asleep during class and Aizawa threw a book down next to his desk, Bakugo was his usual, loud, egotistic self. He was tired and angry, and he wasn't in the mood to hold himself back.

"I literally have through your mind! I just said that, did I not, brat?"

"Okay. What's it like to be quirkless."

"From what I've seen from everyone else and in my time, it's perfectly normal, or you're teased or whatever. And from whatever nightmares you've had in the past it's mainly that explosive blond giving you trouble, you can handle one kid. And I don't know how this connects to me walking in your shoes, but I think I've learned enough to semi-know what being quirkless is like."

"Oh, I wish it was that easy. And since you know what's it like being quirkless, when's the first time someone told you to off yourself?"


"When's the first time you were ignored help from teachers and peers?"

"I don't understand."

"When did you realize everyone was against you because you're different? Or the first time you were followed home and beaten up? Did you know I memorized my whole neighborhood route to find the safest backroads to avoid people? I could go in and on about what I've been through, but I'll save you the time."


"Let me talk for a minute." Izuku took a deep breath and looked up, "I'm tired because I had a closing shift at one of my jobs and a night shift at the other right after."

"You work? But you're fifteen!"

Izuku chuckled bitterly, "My mom hasn't paid me much attention since a few months after I was diagnosed quirkless. At first it was small things like her working Kate, forgetting to pick me up, forgetting to call me down for food, and soon she started to leave me money for food and shit. It wasn't much, not enough for a month so I picked up a job."

"How old we're you when this happened?"

"When I got my first job?"


"9, almost 10. I didn't do much, it was small cafe for villains and outcasts and people abused or bullied. It was a safe haven for me and kids like me. I helped clean up from things, like I said, not much, but I got some extra cash for things."

"What's your second job? You said you had two."

"That one is a restraint, I started working there a couple months before the entrance exam. Just after my birthday."

"And what you said about being quirkless, we need to talk about how you were treated."

"Quirks are everything for our society, and if you don't have one you're nothing, useless. Parents tell their kids these things and they act on it. At first I was just being ignored and other kids and teachers talked behind my back about it. Then someone slapped me and the teachers did nothing so everyone started doing it. I couldn't do anything because my mom wasn't around to notice and no one wanted to help a quirkless kid, it would hurt their reputation and hospitals don't want to waste their time on me. Then kids started telling me to to off myself, and when we got to middle school they started using their quirks on me. I was useless, so I couldn't fight back. The teachers and principle did nothing to stop it, so it continued. Then I met All Might and you know the story from there."

Nana pulled him into a hug, tears stealing down her face. Yoichi joined, then fifth and sixth, and everyone else followed soon after. "Oh, Izuku."

"It isn't a big deal!"

"Yes it is, it's such a big deal, kiddo."

"I'm sorry kid." Third said when they all separated, "I wasn't expecting that, I'm sorry for judging you."

"Yeah, I guess we should've giving you a chance instead of assuming things." Second said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"It's okay, really."

Sixth sighed, "We've got a lot of work to do with you."

Izuku blinked at him, "Huh?"

"I think it's time for you to sleep, who knows when you last slept." Yoichi said.

"I guess. Goodnight guys!" Izuku said, waving as he disappeared.

"Goodnight, Ninth."

This wasn't really supposed to account to anything, it was just an idea I couldn't get rid of, so, sorry if it isn't the best. I hope you enjoyed it anyway!

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