LORE: JackieBoyMan

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TW: Abuse, Neglect, Bullying

As a young child, his mother was neglectful. She eventually gets sent off to prison under child abuse claims from Jackie's school, leaving him in the custody of his horrid uncle. No, his uncle never laid hands on him... but back then, Jackie was a girl.

Years passed by, and Mitchan Windward went from emotionally abusive to physically abusive. Jackie went through hell in high school. He had to deal with horrible bullies during his Sophomore year, always returning home with new bruises on his arms only to receive fresher ones from his uncle over grade, not cleaning up, or whatever else Mitch could find.

There was one day however where things changed. Jackie didn't feel like himself that day, but he went to school and proceeded as normal. The entire day, his mind wasn't on his studies as much as it was on who he was. He felt like a freak, but he couldn't help but feel that his body wasn't his anymore.

Day by day, he'd go home banged up by his bullies only to get banged up by his uncle. Soon he found a community, labeled as the "Pride Community." He dug deeper into it and found the term 'Transgender.' He decided to try it out at least.

With his allowance money, he went out and bought what was called a "Binder." He wasn't quite sure how to put it on, so he reached out online to some members of this community proudly out on Reddit. He got a response from someone tagging him in a post and soon, that post blew up with responses, kind words, messages, and instructions on how to put the confusing binder on. When he did put it on, it was when his uncle was out of the house. He felt like the weight on his shoulders was lifted off. He went back to Reddit, thanking the person he had reached out to so much for the assistance.

Day after day, he felt that he had something to look forward to when he came home each day. Soon he found an apartment he could move into, not to mention a desk job looking for a work-at-home programmer. He felt that everything was finally turning around for his hope. As soon as he could, he moved out and into that apartment.

It was one fateful day, however, when he saw a young girl being picked on by a mugger. He ran forward, shoving the mugger off the girl before getting his ass handed to him. He trudged into his apartment, sitting on the bed.

It was that day that he decided nobody would push him around again, it was that day he decided he would help those who can't help themselves.

It was that day he decided that his red hoodie, pocket belt, blue jeans, and sneakers would be his outfit to help others. All he needed was a mask, so what better mask than a blue mask?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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