All Might and a Memory

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It was later in the day, and you were currently with Aizawa in his home, making a snack. With your curiosity about everything, there were endless questions about what things were.
"What's that?" You point at the fridge.
"It's called a fridge. It holds food and stuff." He answers while not looking. He smirks at your questions, happy to oblige answering them, no matter how many you have. It slowed down a bit when the snacks were ready, and you were engrossed in the TV until Allmight showed up.
"Who is that?" You point towards the hero on the screen, surprising Aizawa.
"That's.... All might. You have never heard of him? Or any other heroes?" He looks at you with a brow raised. You shake your head no, and turn back and ask who the rest of the heroes were.
"Well, there's Allmight, Endeavor, Hawks, Best Jeanist, and many more," He starts,
"They help keep the city safe from villains or bad people. If you ever run into a villain, that's who you call." He ends solemnly. He knew the real nature of heroes in today's day, and they were sometimes less than noble.
"Do you have a favorite?" He asked you. You look at the TV to the group of heroes, and none of them looked appealing except Hawks. Those red feathers looked familiar...

"Not really." You answered, looking at the new program showing on the TV now, Aizawa nods and continues reading his students' papers.
In his mind, he was wondering how you could possibly know none of the heroes. It didn't make sense to him, and he asked a question that sparked your interest.
"Where were you before you were rescued by the cops?"
You tilt your head in thought, then answer a few moments later.
"As far as I was a metal room, and it was really dark most of the time, except for the blue light through the tiny window bars. I couldn't really move since I had an ankle thing that kept me from moving. But the cops came and lit up the room with moving lights, and it was metal all around." You answer matter-of-factly. It sent Aizawa into analyzing mode.
'Metal room? Complete darkness? Blue light with bars? Ankle thing? Wha...?' He thought.
"Were you in a cell, kiddo?" He finally asked. It would match the police report copy he had.
"Is that the word for it? Yeah, then, I guess."
You stated. Aizawa threw his papers aside and gathered you up for a hug. You froze at the action, then relaxed as you could feel him shaking slightly.
"Kiddo... no kid should go through what you did. That's not normal for children like you." He hugs you tightly. You didn't know what was right or wrong for yourself, so it made you confused.
"Mm, if it's anything important," you started, getting Aizawa's attention,"there was a red feather, that came through the window, maybe a few hours before the cops came to rescue me. Like those ones from the hero Hawks!" You say enthusiastically. Aizawa thought for a moment if it was possible, Hawks had anything to do with your rescue.
"It's a good thought, kiddo. I believe it's time for bed, though. we gotta get up early tomorrow for you to come with me to work, and I can't leave you all by yourself here." Aizawa said, rubbing your back. You stifle a yawn behind your hand, but Aizawa yawned in response, too.
"Bedtime it is, kiddo." He stands up and carries you to his bedroom.
"This is where I sleep sometimes. It's called a bed." He said, setting you down on it. You  climbed to the pillows and experimentally lay down on them.
"It's really comfy!" You exclaim, Aizawa chuckling softly, and then turning off the lights and joining you. The cats hop on, purring to cuddle. The cats lay on the edge of the bed, while Aizawa pulls the covers close over you and him.
"Try to get some sleep, kiddo. Big day tomorrow." He says before closing his eyes. You stare at him before turning towards the ceiling. The desire to sleep came soon, and so you were having a peaceful slumber, only for a short time.
It was dark with no light in sight. You were scared. A menacing laugh rang through your ears.
The people who tortured you were standing still in front of you, not moving a muscle.
"Hello?" You ask, your voice echoes throughout the void. The laughter only gets louder, and a face showed itself, or at least half a face.
It was scarred where the eyes should be, but a sinister smile sat on the lower face instead.
"You are meant to be MINE, (y/n). Meant for AFO!" The voice said before a hand reached over to grab you. You screamed.
You scream awake, waking up Aizawa. It was currently 5 or so in the morning, Aizawa bolted awake, and his eyes glowed, ready for any intruders.
You cried and grabbed Aizawa's hand, calming him, but still worrying for you nonetheless. He grabbed you in a hug and petted your head.
"Shshshsh, I got you, don't worry. Shhh, it's ok." He kept reassuring you until you calmed down. You were reduced to sniffles and could now tell him about your dream.
"Th-there were the s-scary people! And-and a scary scar faced man! He-he almost got me!" You cried, Aizawa nodded.
"When you can, tell me about the people you saw in your scary dream, ok?" He said, yawning and looking at the time. There was about an hour until he had to get ready for teaching.
He picked you up and took you to the kitchen for breakfast, which was a granola bar since you were scared so much you didn't want to eat much. Aizawa brewed a cup of coffee and waited for you to start.
"There were the bad people standing there, not moving at all. There was also a man behind them, like he was controlling them." Aizawa nodded at your explanation and nodded for you to continue.
"The man said something to me. He said,'You are meant to be mine, meant to be for AFO', and then he said a name." You finished. Aizawa almost choked on his coffee when you mentioned AFO.
"Afo? Wha- how do you know that name? And what name did he say?" He frantically asked. Now things just got weirder.
"He said (y/n)." You look down at the table. Aizawa widened his eyes in shock.
"Is that your name? (Y/n)?" He asked cautiously. You shrugged in response. You obviously don't remember anything before you were held in the cell. Only a DNA or bloodwork could tell.
"Let's get ready for the day today. You're gonna come with me to work, ok?" He said, heading to the spare box of small clothes. He gave you some and helped you change, then he got ready, and soon you were leaving.

Aizawa x Child!reader (Chainsaw man)Where stories live. Discover now