bonding pt 2

454 2 0

word count: 469
y/n helps jj as he doesn't know what to do, especially with kie leaving him.

i mess around with sky as jj takes a shower, she's so cute. sky reminds me of kie so much, she looks like her too. i hear the bathroom door open and see jj with his hair messy and a towel draped around his waist.

"sorry, i forgot clothes." he says quietly, not alarming sky. i cover sky's eyes, "don't wanna see your daddy naked, your not even one." i giggle as she also begins to laugh at my actions. jj smiles at me before heading back to the bathroom.

as he comes back out of the bathroom i managed to get sky half asleep, before jj gently gets her and puts her to sleep. setting her on the cozy, soft, rocking chair not to far from us. and jj sits across from me on the couch, it looked like he'd been crying a lot, or doing weed which i'd hope not.

"you okay jay?" i ask softly, using the nickname i used to call him when we were younger. he looks up at me, shaking his head as his eyes begin to tear up. "i don't know what i'm going to do y/n. i could barely take care of sky when kie was here." he cries.

i scoot next to him and hug him tightly, gently combing my fingers through his hair. "it'll be okay, i'm here. i'll help you. whatever you need i am here jay. okay?" i tell him, reassuring him. he rests his head on my shoulder as i comfort him.

"i promise i'll be here, forever." i tell him softly, as i rub my hand up and down his back.
"promise?" he mumbles, as he looks at me. i nod my head, gently kissing his cheek and wiping the tears off his face. i get up, grabbing a few blankets and coming back to the couch.

i hand jj a blanket, and a pillow, before heading to the other couch. "y/n?" i hear jj mumble sleepily, i peak my head up and look at him. "can you lay with me please?"

i sigh as i see him scoot to the inside of the couch, revealing room for me to lay. "sure jay." i tell him as i go and lay down next to him. i feel him wrap his arm around my waist, "thank you. so. much." i hear him whisper as he kisses the spot right under my ear.

i smile softly as he tightens his arm around me, until sky starts to cry. i feel jj about to get up, but i sit up. "i'll get her, you get some sleep." i tell him as he smiles softly, before going to sleep.

authors note
i hope this is what you guys wanted for a part two of this, i didn't really know what to write about..

and give me requests in my request chapter please!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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