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*shawns pov*
"It was Nash"lexi says I thought she was joking at first so I had to watch her for a second
"Are you serious?"I ask
"Yes"she said panicky
"Cameron's nash?"I ask
"Yes and there's one more thing"lexi said
"what?" I ask
"When ava told me that Thomas liked me she said that he was talking to his friend named Cameron"lexi says
"But there are alot of people named cameron and Maybe it wasn't really nash Maybe someone just looked alot like him"I say trying to make her feel better
"I'm positive it was nash but why hasn't cameron or jc showed any signs yet"lexi ask
"I have no clue Maybe nash got his life together and left and is trying to find hayes or something"I say I think trying to make myself feel better now
"Lexi"I heard kian screech from downstairs she looked at me annoyed
"Go see what he wants"I tell her she nods
"And it will be okay. We will be okay"I smile and hug her she hugs me back

*lexis pov*
I go downstairs and see kian with a confused look
"You called me"I say
"I need you opinion"he says
"On?"I ask
"Should I dye my hair blue and blonde"he ask I look at him a minute and try to imagine what it would look like
"Yeah do it"I say smiling
"Yay now were going to have my hair done let's go"he says
"Right now?" I ask
"Why not"he ask while shawn walked downstairs
"Maybe going back to the mall and getting his hair done wouldn't be a bad idea cause I forgot something anyway"shawn says I look at him wondering why he would want to go back
"Okay let's go"kian said and ran out to the car as me and Shawn walk back I stop him for a second
"What did you forget"I ask
"Nothing"he says and shrugs
"Then why do you want to go back"I ask
"Because if Nash is still there I need to know"he says and gets in the car we head to the mall for the second time today
"Kian when we get there make sure you don't let lexi out of your sight"shawn says
"Why"kian ask
"Because I have a bad feeling just keep an I on her"he says and kian agrees cause he doesn't want to take and chances we get there and Shawn goes and looks for nash and thomas and me and kian start walking though the mall
"Why is Shawn being all paranoid"kian ask
"I don't know"I lie
"You do know but since you-- Oh my god"he cuts himself
"What"I ask worried that something bad happened
"You know who that is"he says pointing to someone Who's back was now pointed towards us
"No I didn't see his face"I say
"It's daniel fucking sharman"he says and pulls me behind a tree so he don't see us
"Are you sure"I ask
"One hundred present"he says
"The let's go talk to him"I say
"Lexi no"he says
"If we don't now we will regret it"I say pulling kian over to Daniel
"Hi"I say and he turns around and smiles
"Hello beautiful"Daniel says with his accent and I blush
"Um me and my friend kian are huge fans"I say smiling trying to be cool
"Awe thanks you guys want a picture?"he ask
"Yes"kian says quickly
Kian handed me his phone and I take a picture and them then I give him my phone and he takes a pic of us then we talk for a few minutes and it turns out kian can be chill, he hasn't scared him away so far and that's a start.
"I was actually just going to get some ice cream or something do you guys want to join me"he ask and we agree because wouldn't you? While were walking there I text Shawn to see if he found nash, we get our ice cream and sit and a table and talk.
"So how long are you going to be here"kian ask
"I'm not completely sure but a couple weeks"Daniel says
"Nice"kian says
"Yeah so are you guys from here"Daniel ask
"No we just moved here a few months ago"I say and my phone buzzed I look at it and It's Shawn it says
"I haven't found them yet but taylor said that ava said they were still here"
After I got done Reading I realized kian was talking
"And so lexi said that she thinks it would look good. That's actually why were back at the mall"kian finished saying
"I think you could pull it off"Daniel tells him
"I hope so"he says after we got done eating our ice cream we said our goodbyes
"I can't believe that just happened if I wake up in a few minutes I will seriously cry"kian said
"I'm surprised you were so cool, where did you hind all your fangirling"I ask
"Deep in my soul. Have you heard from Shawn"he ask I feel in my pockets for my phone and realize I don't have it
"Shit I left my phone at the table I'm going to go get it really quick"I say
"Kay hurry"he says
I walk back to the table and thank God It's still there so I grab it and see that Shawn hasn't text me so I stuff it in my pocket and start walking back
"Hey lexi wait a minute"I look and seen Daniel
"Here is my number Maybe we can hang out again before I leave"he said handing me a piece of paper with a number wrote on it
"Yeah of coarse"I say
"Great you can give it to kian also"he says smiling
"Okay now I really have to go before I'm late Ill see ya later"he said and hugged me and walked away I started to walk back to kian when I heard a voice I knew to well say

"Shawn won't be very happy about this will he"

Blehhh I know this chapter kinda sucks but I'm building a plot that might just work

Also the pic at top is Daniel sharman for those who don't know

Please comment ideas:/ there always helpful.

Love you guys ❤

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