I realise that...

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[ Seijuro's P.O.V ]

I observed her, she's stronger than me and increased more than before, very different with me.
'I wanted to be strong like her' thought me. Then, she fell down and I quickly caught her,
"Akari!" Shouted me as called her.
Late, she has fainted and quickly took her into our room. The others came and checked her condition,
"She must call the strong God, right?"
"I see... If she's strong, she'll wake up tomorrow"
"If she isn't?"
"She'll wake up 3 days again"
"I see... Thanks, Shogo-san"
They left us there. I closed the door and turned off the lamp. I sleep beside her, I cleaned sweats from her body. I stared at her, she's sleeping but somehow her face showing a fear face,
"Why you're always act out from your power? Said that's your responsibility even it isn't. You've hurt so much by me, why you still want to hurt by those things?" Said me harshly as held her hand,
"Why I don't want to seeing you get hurt? Why?" Asked me to myself
"It's a love" answered my other self
"Love? I'm sorry?"
"You love her."
"What's about?"
"You only admire her, you'll figure it by yourself"
And, he's gone.
"Akari..." I stard at her, I leaned closer and kissed her lips "Akari..."
She grinned when she's still sleeping, I blushed very hard. I never knew that she's very beautiful, so I sleep on her lap.
"I love you, maybe, Akari..." I closed my eyes, back to the memories of myself about her.

[ Flashback ]
In art class,
"Can someone give us an example for poetry?"
She raised her hand there
"Oh Nozomi! Come and read it for us!"
She stood up from her seat, "But, I wrote it in English"
"It's okay, Nozomi! Go ahead!"
That time, I was quite stuck at poetry. I didn't know that she could do it quickly from me, plus it's in English so I listened for her carefully.

"Love... They said love is blind, why?
Love can't see how beautiful or handsome of someone that we love.
All we know is we're in love with him/her. That's why, when we're in love, we won't look at another else.
If we're too over, we'll choose a wrong one. Also, we'll lost someone that truly love or care towards us.
So, why you don't look at me?
I'm the one who love you the most, not him/her.
That's why, love is very painfull"
[ End ]

I fell deeply in that memories and fell a sleep. In the morning, suddenly,
"Seijuro! We'll late for school!! Wake up!"
I woke up slowly and found that she has woken up,
"Let's go!! Thought, it's our last day here"
Immediately, I hugged her,
"Good to see you're alright"
She blushed very hard, "Let's go!" She punched my cheek and we went to the school. Later, I met the girl that I loved before,
"Akashi-kun! What's wrong?"
"For your confession, I'm sorry. I can't accept you as my girlfriend, I realise that I love another else" said me as bowed to her
"It's okay, Akashi-kun! Sorry to disturb you and hurt the girl that you love"
"No problem, Akashi-kun"
She left me, I sighed, "Finally..." said me as smiled a bit.

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