~Wats up Yall~

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Hey guys so I am now back ik I didn't post for a few days I think but today is now


Mostly I should be asleep right now, but I just can't btw if you guys want to send in requests, like ships, stories pls send them here


I will also be doing some Smut, Fluff, and angst so if you guys have some more I can also do pls put them here

Smut, Fluff, Angst, Etc.:

Btw if you guys want me to do some different Au's of Sanrio then drop them off here


And yea that is it I hope you guys enjoy this story ik I will, but just a little cause hardly people read these kinds of stories mostly it's only the popular ñ trending ones

But enough of me bragging and talking a lot I will see you guys at the next stop when I need someone or something to talk/chat with okay well Byeee!<3


☆¡Have A Good Night's Rest Everyone!☆

Word Count: 179

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