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I wake up with a huge bang sound which is surprising since I live far away from the city. I pop out my head from the small little den I have made in a tree cavity. My eyes are all blurry from sleep but I can clearly make out the dancing orange-red lights that are rising from the city with a cloud of smoke. It must be the rebels and the soldiers. It happened a lot. But this one is different. As my eyes adjust to the dark I see that the fire is spreading. Too fast. As I am already dressed I rush twoards the city. Evrything is in a mess. People are screaming as the soldiers burn down the houses. A small girl smashes into me. I know her.

“Autumn? What’s going on? Why are they here?” I say grabbing by her shoulders. Her face is wet with tears. I see a burn mark on her left leg. I can see that she is suffering from pain.

“They killed them. Even... even...” she bursts out tears once again. I would love to stay and comfort her but the place is a mess and people are going frantic.

“Autumn you need to go. You need to run okay? Run into the forest I’ll find you. Go. Go!” I shout pushing her to the crowd that is running. She looks at me for the last time then dissapears into the crowd. I frantically look arıound to identify where I am. I am in the middle of the Town Hall. I need to get to my house. I run down the strets of Woodland Creek pushing people and sometimes I am pushed back. The soldiers rush pass me without notincing me. One little girl wasn’t much threat to them was it?

Suddenly I am pulled to a street.

“Are you out of your mind? You can’t go there. They’ll kill you the second they see you.” someone whispers harshly. I know the voice.

“Evan?” my heart races. He is the oldest brother of a kid from the common school. We weren’t that close but it made me feel safe to hear a voice I know.

‘I will not let you go there.” he says coldly. His grip is thight and he is hurting me. I feel tears building. “I have lost my parents just now and I can not afford to lose you. You are the closest thing I have now.’ Was the smoke getting him dizzy? Evan was the one who beat me up and scolded me nearly everyday. We would rarely get along but he was big and he looked like Connor. But … Was I really the closest person? Really? What about Connor?

“Connor..?” I ask resentfully. I am not sure I want to hear the awnser.

“They took him.” his grip lessend. I was ready to flee but something in his eyes made me stop. “They took Connor. My little brother. Only eight. They took him to serve. Every man should fulfill his soilderhood., they said an took him away. And all I could do was run. They already, killed my...” his sentence was cut of with a horrible gun shot. A horrible cold sensation covers me. Please no, no, no I scream but the scream get stuck on my throat. Evan’s body slumps over as is grip frees me. I feel tears burning in my eyes.His hand was clamped on his chest where the blod was pouring out, his other hand reached out. I bent down.

“Don’t ever cry in front of people. Cry in dark streets on a tree but never in...” he hacks blood. I shake my head the tears are not uncontrollably coming down. “Cryin makes... you seem weak.” His chest is still plumming blood. I try to stop it by steadying my hands over his chest. He smiled weakly. “Say I am sorry... to...” he blurts out. No, no,no,NO. He was slipping away and there wasn’t anything I could do. His eyes widen for a second and mouths the word run. His eyes roll to its sockets. I let myself a few seconds before I get up and run.

“There she is getting away. Get her to me.” a voice booms behind me. I even didn’t have time to burn him. I suddenly feel sick but the soldiers behind me are closing the gap between us. My eyes blur from the smoke as I make my way through the streets I knew like my name. I quickly sneak into a dark street which is a shortcut to my home. A few lefts and rights and I am sure that I have gotten away from my tail. This part of the town they haven’t yet touched but there were only a few people gathering their stuff to leave. They know the soilders will come here too. I hear a baby cry in a far distance. My eyes fill with tears as I stop to breath. Something is there in my throat making it harder to breath. I know what it is. I scream on the top of my lungs to get is out of my head. I start running again. I know I am close to the house. Put one foot in front of another. Fast. The scenery blurs as I run.

Suddenly I see an amazing amount of fire burning right in front of me. Then everything happens in slow motion. There is a terrible explosion sound and I feel my feet are parted with the groung. My eyes go back as my body slamms into a house wall. I cough and try to get my breath. Two silders appear in frof me.

“Hey. girl. Remember me?” one of them asks. I think that they are talking to me. He has a deep and husky voice. There is ringing in my ears.

“No. Do I have to?” ask grogly. My voice comes out so wierd that I am shocked.

"Is taht your answer girl?" the other one asks. I nod slowly.

"Who are you?" I ask, afraid of the reply.

"I am the bastard that killed your entire family." he says and smirks. A lump appears on my throat. "I enjoy killing traitors... Shame on your little sister though." I meet his eyes. "Say. where were you when I was there? Hiding some place?" He says mockingly. My face flushes with anger.

"My father was not a traitor. He wouldn't. He was..." I cough. There are screams and bangs coming from all over. I shut my eyes. "He was not a traitor." I whisper.

"Oh, it was so fun. I really enjoy my job sometimes." he says. Suddenly the other guards eyes open widely with terror. I don't care.

"I swear to you. I will fin and kill you. You will pay for wht you did to my family." I grunt. My ears ring and the worls starts to fade away.

"I'll be waiting for you sweetheart." he says and smirks. The smile freezes on his face when the other guard slumps forwars with a dark figure behind him.

Darkness swaloows me.

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