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~ Harry's POV ~

I can't believe I'm going to hit her.

My fist goes forward, so much force, power and pure anger behind it. I look dead into Sky's eyes, like I would when we were younger. They're filled with the same emotion; fear and I know mine must be too. I'm scared that my punch will break her, she's already so fragile. I'm stronger than i used to be and with everything built up inside me, I know this is dangerous. Before I know it, I've made contact with the rights side of her face. The quiet room seems to magnify the sound of our skins rough contact.

I did it. I hit her. I hit Sky.

I look down and I can see my chest speeding up and down with my heavy breathing. I look past my own body to see Sky's, sprawled out on the floor. She curls into a ball and bursts into tears, she's tearing up my heart. I can't look at her, I can't handle seeing the pain that I inflicted upon her, so I don't. Instead I walk away, out of the lounge, to the front door and to my car, not uttering so much as a goodbye to the girl I think I love.

~ Sky's POV ~

He has me up against the wall and he's gripping my wrists tightly. I can feel the burning sensation disperse from my wrists and I know his hold is going to bruise me.

As he raises his fist, it's my natural instinct to look away and close my eyes, but I take one last look into his eyes. All I see is anger, it has taken over all of his features. He doesn't look like the Harry that I kissed on the Ferris wheel, he doesn't look like the Harry that I was falling for. He doesn't look like Harry.

As his fist makes contact with my cheek all I feel is pain. There was no adrenaline rush to slightly relieve the pain, in fact all I felt was hurt. He's definitely gotten a lot stronger, which was expected, but not exactly wanted.

I expected him to regret it, I really did, but my hope faultered as he strides away to his car, leaving me in a ball on the floor. I try to stand up, to walk away and clean myself up, but I can't. The tears are falling too rapidly and I'm a mess. No matter what Harry does, my emotions are permanently heightened.

~ Zayn's POV ~

When Liam and Niall left the house this morning, I really didn't want to be alone with Harry. He was so bloody moody, and to be honest, I'm not the most compassionate person at times. Instead, I followed my two mates out the door and followed Niall further to go shopping.

Within minutes of arriving, we had both made our way to the food court, our eyes scanning over everything on offer. Despite us just having had breakfast, you can never separate me from my McDonalds.

We finished our food in about 10 minutes, so Niall headed off in search of his new shoes. He saw them last week in a catalogue, but him being Niall, he didn't look to see what shop they were from. After the seventh store, my stomach seemed to have given up, and it started groaning. I knew I wasn't hungry, that was definite, but I didn't feel sick, so I just left it. I carried on helping Niall look for his desired Supras, my stomach getting more ferocious.

"Mate, is that you? Cuz it's kinda weird to be making that noise while we're in a shop." Niall chuckled at his own statement, which personally, I did not find funny.

"Oh ha ha Niall! No it's not me, it's my tummy. Maybe I should head home!" I looked at him to confirm it was okay to leave, hoping he wouldn't make me stay.

"Yea lad, wouldn't want any embarrassing pictures going around of you shitting yourself." He seemed to find this very funny, resulting in him literally on the floor and red in the face.

"Oh shut up Niall, I hope you get mauled by fans." That shut him right up. He got off the floor and walked away, not before hitting me upside the head and waving with a smile. Gotta love the Irish.


As I pulled up at home I noticed Harry's car gone. I figured he'd lightened his mood and probably taken Sky out or something. As much as I like her me'self, I can tell there's something between them.

My stomach's still making noises and I swear I'm gonna sue McDonalds for their dodgy burger. I doubt it will work, but hey, who cares?

I take my time getting out my car, making sure not to contort my body awkwardly in case it hurts. I fiddle with my key ring as I walk to uncle Si's front door, smiling at the memory of my sister giving me a little Aladdin figurine. I turn my torso to lock my car, wrong move. A sharp pain travels up my left side making me cringe. Looking very attractive Zayn. I relax as I turn back, the soreness subsiding slightly as I reach for the knob. It opens straight away, which is a bit strange, then again Harry didn't necessarily take Sky with him. I wouldn't be surprised with the mood he's in.

"Sky? Sky, you home?" I get no response from anyone so I just keep on walking. They obviously didn't lock the bloody door. I slightly wince as another pain emerges from my stomach. Maybe I should get some pain relief then sleep or something.

I head straight to the kitchen, entering from the opposite side of the lounge. Instantly I fill a glass of water and go foraging through various cupboards. Shit! I can't find any medicine on the first aid shelf.

"Must be in a bathroom." I smile at myself when I realise I said that out loud, which in turn, causes me to feel even more stupid. I step out of the kitchen after grabbing my glass and start heading for the stairs.

Do I walk funny?

I start to try a different walking style, as you do, but that just turns out worse. I laugh out loud at my silly antics, my eyes scanning the room. I hate being home alone, I feel watched. I look around me, making sure that my feelings are only that, but something catches my eye. Sky catches my eye.

"Sky? Sky? What happened? What's wrong??" She doesn't respond, she just lies there lifeless. I rush over to her, putting my glass down on the floor and checking to see of she's breathing. She has marks on the side of her face and a forming bruise. I instantly expect the worst, even if I don't want to.




I love you guys a lot and I apologise for the standard of this chapter. I have about 12 exams next week which doesn't tickle my pickle, but what can you do??

Keep reading, commenting and voting please, I love your feedback and opinions. Thank you :)

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