I Am, Water

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                    one word

a sentence by itself




water is life


within in a web of membranes

permeable cells and tissues

some, dense as bone

some, malleable as the tongue

water is me


a flowing current

elements bound in the valence

two of hydrogen

one of oxygen

the weak electro link

energies form a template

life's first splash

                      a beginning


the crèche in which our carbon nests

atoms morph...respiring

bacteria becoming...amoeba

breathing water, and later

much later...we creatures


by appetite and desire

without which I am nothing


marks the parameters of being

I mean this literally


I take-up more and less space


to how much my body carries

it tells the story of my health

I plump-up as I retain it

I wither when it goes

whole when it is balanced

measured when it flows

perspiring...through my pores

it defines the extent of me...of us

the limits of the flesh, yes

and of where the flesh may go

we cannot live away far from it

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