Chapter 1 - {~Misleading path.~}

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 ~ OCT 13 - 2015 {London} ~ 

< {Academia dorm - 10 am in the morning} >

*( In the morning )* - Valerie during the day found a letter at the mail and it looked really fancy so she decided to go back in the dorm and sat down on the couch to read it carefully.. 

[*Valerie reads it*]

{Valerie}: Woah.. [*she reads it again like as if what she saw was unbelievable*]
{Valerie}: MONII, wake up you have to see this !!

[*Monica wakes up and sats up*]

{Monica /*with a tired tone}: If its one of your stupid little boy talks, I am outta he-

[*Monica stops and looks at the letter which Valerie is waving it around in the air*]

{Monica}: Huh a letter? [*she gets out of bed and walks up to Valerie and sats down with her*], now what in gods name did you do this time? what does it say?

{Monica}: Remember the time we visited that old friend of mine which I think that was the time I introduced you to him, Well he sent me a letter that both of us are invited into his special party AND AND !! he reserved us as VIP Guests !!!

{Monica}: Val... what? that man? [*she sighs and leans in the couch*] you can't be serious? Val [*she crosses arms*] I always have this 'bad' feeling whenever we're around him, like come on and that party... I feel like something "bad" could happen there, I'm sorry but I'm not interested.

{Valerie}: Oh come onn, it'll be funn.. besides Moni, everyone that is in the [Sacred Heart Academy] are going to be there too. You don't want to miss out a Masquerade Mask party do you?

{Monica}: Fine just remember not to do anything stupid, Please don't embarrass yourself as well. [*she yawns*] I am nottttt looking forward to see the "others" in the party, well you know who I am talking about.. [*she stayed silent as she thinks for a moment*], so Val when exactly is the party going to start?

{Valerie}: Great !!... hmm it says here.. [*she reads it again in mind*] it starts at 8 pm in the night. EEEK! I can't wait.

<[*TIME-SKIP*]>: *Monica and Valerie was ready with their dresses and masks. As they were ready, they both left the dorm and drove to the host's Mansion*

[*Monica and Valerie walks up the stairs from the outside /*Monica looks up on the Mansion*]

{Monica}: woah, I forgot that friend of yours was more "royalty" rich than I thought, wait... whats his name again?

{Valerie}: Oh? his name is "Hudson"

{Monica /*with a hesitated tone}: "Hudson"?... righttttt...

[-Monica and Hudson "might" had history together during the past-]

[-While Monica thinks in the back of her mind but then she bumps into the other classmates from the Sacred Heart Academy WHICH she was not looking forward to see-]

[*Hailey and Evelyn were shock that Monica made Elizabeth fall even though Elizabeth ran like as if she was in a hurry*]

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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