....LIL RED....

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Once upon a time, there was a girl called lil red. So basically this girl lived in the middle of nowhere and stayed in a cottage with her mother only since her father was at war.


"Dear come down here NOW!" Lil reds mom screamed from downstairs.
"I'm coming!" Lil red replies while skipping down the stairs.

As she was skipping she tripped over her dress.

"AHHH!" Sh screamed rolling down the stairs like a rolling pin on a bowling alley.


Her mother turned to see her on the floor dizzy.

" sigh, why do I bother with her" she whispered to herself.

Lil red got up and brushed off the dust from her dress then faced her mother.

"Yes mom, you wanted me?"
"Yes, take these cookies and give them to your grandmother" Her mother replied passing the basket to lil red.
"Hmm but I want to watch a bit"
"Give these to your grandmother now..." her mother glared in a warning tone.
"Haha o-okay"

Lil red took the basket and her mother smiled like nothing happened.

"Thank you. Now chop chop, you don't want those cookies get cold now do we"

"Alright" lil red said with a pout.

Lil red wore her red coat and walked out.

She left the cottage and headed to her grandmas house or so she thought...

As lil red was walking she heard birds chipping.

"TWIT TWIT!" The birds sang on the tress.

"Goodness I'm starving" she mumbled to herself while walking on the narrow path.

Soon after there was a loud rubble.

"What in the name of god was THAT!" lol red screamed in fear.
"GRRRRR" the sound appeared louder making the birds fly away.

A few seconds later Lil red realised what the sound was.

"Opps that was my stomach" she giggled touching her stomach.

She looked down and smelled the cookies.

"I'm sure grandmama wouldn't mind if I take one"

she soon took a cookies then bit it, making sparkles in her eyes of the well baked cookies.

"Oh mother this is a jolly good cookie, thank you!" Lil red took multiple bites while saying that.

Lil red ate more cookies and left about five or four for her grandma.

"La la laaaaaa!" She sang while skipping on the rocky and narrow path.
"Wow what a beautiful day I'm sure nothing bad is gonna happen" As soon as she said that heavy rain came.

She looked up and a pile of water that was in a leaf came all on her, making her soaking wet.

"Oh your kidding. Why did I even say that" lil red said while wiping the water off her face and hood.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2023 ⏰

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