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<Geno's Pov>

I just awoken from the deep sleep i was in. And I instantly realized that I had my hand chained up to the wall..
My legs were free but they hurt like someone had twisted them in a bad way.

I groaned when I tried to move but it was no use.. It made the pain worse.
I inhaled a deep breath trying not to tear up from the pain.
It took me a couple of minutes to calm down and when I did ca myself down I lifted up my chin to actually see where I was.

I was in some kind of dungeon cell thingy.
There actually was some blood but it seemed very old and dry.. So nothing to worry for.

I noticed my bow was hanging on the wall with my arrows but it was too far away from me and it was outside my cell.

I then looked down besides me where I saw there was a bed but again I couldn't get to it since I was chained up..

I quickly try to remember why and how u got here and then it hit me.
The rainbow Raven.
That stupid Raven got me in here! In this old dusty prison thingy cell!!
I need to get out.. And report this to king  Asgore..
Even though..

It it even worth it..?

After all.. He used me as a bait..
And the others left me..

Even Error.. And fresh.. They left me.

All alone.

I was abandoned.
By everyone.

I was overthinking if it was even worth escaping and just as I was about to close my eyes and go to sleep the Big door outside my Cell opened.

Two skeletons approached closer to my cell.
Then it it me. It was that one guard Raven with blue wings.
He was holding a spear to make sure I won't do anything suspicious..
It looked kinda weird in a way tho. It definitely wasn't a normal spear.

Then I looked over at the other one..
This one was different.
He wore a black crown with small black wings on it in the middle.
He also wore a big cloak that was being dragged on the floor behind him..

And the most weird part was..

That he had Black colored wings.

His colourless wings startled me.
They looked so lifeless.. And without colour..

It was definitely not a ordinary Raven.

Suddenly the guard spoke up.
"Seems like our little hunter is up Your Highness. "

"That's very great. I wanted to talk to him. "

"Of course your Highness. "
The guard stayed still in place waiting for more orders.

"Blue why are you still here? "
"I'm waiting for more orders. And I will not leave you alone with a huge term your Highness. "

"Oh please blue. I can handle it. Don't worry. Now please leave. You are dismissed. "

"Of course your Highness. "
The guard then bowed down in respect and quietly turned over and left, closing the door behind.

I was watching the Guard leave before quickly turning my attention  to the so called 'Highness'
And so did he turn his attention on me..

"So brave little hunter tell me..  HOW DID YOU GET IN OUR SIDE OF THE WORLD. "

He was suddenly right in front my face, standing on one of my legs which made me hiss in deep pain.
And tear up slightly..

It made me look so we am and vulnerable. I hated those two feelings the most..

"So little hunter. Are you not going to talk or something? Come on. I'm not that scary~"

He grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me closer to his face growling. He showed his fangs threatening me possibly.. In the Raven's way..

"Y-you're h-hurting me.. "
Those were the only words I was able to get out of me while trying not to look weak or cry.
But after those words I started tearing up and sniffing in pain, it was unbearable.
I never felt such amount of pain in my whole life.. It was as if I was something less then the others.. Something more fragile.. Then others.

The Black Raven just stared emotionlessly before sighing.
"I guess I won't get much out of you when the pain spell is placed on you.
I will call Science to fix you up.
But for now.. "

I slightly called down after he moved his legs away and leaned closer.
I stared I to his blank black eyes as he grinned.

"It's time for a nice sleep lil hunter~"

He blowed air into my face which made me almost instantly faint into a deep deep sleep.

<Reaper's Pov>

"Heh. He looks kinda sweet when he's asleep but after all its still a small dangerous hunter.  He's so small compared to me and any other Raven. Mortals are so small. Yet so dangerous."

I grinned before snapping my fingers as the chains dissapeared, I used my magic to lift him up and place it in my arms before quietly leaving the cell with him in my arms and closing the door behind.

I left the dungeon and that's where I saw blue staring at me surprised.

"Prince death why are you carrying the hunter in yours arms- he's dangerous! "

I looked over at blue with a grin and shushed him

"Shhh~ don't you see he's in a very nice and deep sleep~"

"My apologizes your Highness.. "

"Good. Now come on we have to get him to my room. "

"Yes sir. "

I nodded at Blue before going up the stairs while slightly floating and still carefully carrying the deep asleep hunter.

We got out of the dungeon and went through the halls.
I was calmly walking around with blue following right behind, by now I was using my magic to hole the little hunter up in the air while going towards my room.

When we arrived we were standing in front of my room.
The big doors covered in dark black roses all around with silver metal on the edges.
Yep that was the kings room. Or well Prince's.

Blue held the door open to me as I entered quietly.
I instantly went over to my bed and calmly lied the little hunter in and covered him up.
I smiled and snapped my fingers, causing a spell to be placed onto the sleeping hunter.

"You will be surprised when you wake up~
sweet dreams little hunter. "

I turned around and quietly left the room, leaving the door locked with the sleeping hunter inside....

~ E n d  O f   C h a p t e r  S i x ~

Sorry if it seems rushed!

Sorry for any mistakes!

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I hope u liked it and peace out!


The Black Raven. [ AfterDeath ] fanfic??? (Being Rewritten) Where stories live. Discover now