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<Reaper's POV>

i was In my castle doing Some paperwork that was needed to be done, because being the prince of this kingdom wasn't so easy. Since my father passed and i had to return to take over the throne i haven't had much freedom anymore.

i groaned in annoyance because it was just so annoying to do all of this paperwork. Then i suddenly noticed one document.

I took it into my hand and slowly started reading it before widing my eye sockets open.
This document was about a truce that Offered the Kingdom of feelings on East.

"How come i never notice this one..it must have been here for some time right-? Ah for fuck sakes Reaper..you work so hard that you don't even do it propely.."

I Sighed before dropping the document down onto the desk and read the rest of it.

Seems like Prince Dream offered me a truce to stay in peace between our kingdoms.. sounds good to me.

Less shit for me to deal with.

i took my feather-pen and dip it into the black ink as i signed the document.

after that i gently curled it and put a tie around it before looking over at the Crow sitting in the cage.

i sighed before pushed myself up from the chair as i walked over to the Golden cage where my Dark Black crow was being put inside.

I smiled before opening the cage as the Crow instantly jumped on my arm and i pulled him closer.
i gently rubbed his feathers as he happily enjoyed it

"heh..ya ready for your next delivery my man?"

the crow let out a creaky sound as a agreement, i nod as in a response before handing over the curled document that was held together by a tie

"Good, so i want you to deliver this to The Kingdom of Feelings on East. Can you do that for me? I will give you a treat when you return"

The crown nodded before taking the document into one of his Smaller claws.

i smiled before walking over to the big window in front of my desk before opening it and reaching out my arms for the crow.

the crow nodded at me and so did i in response before the crow got into his position and flew up into the air and quickly vanished into the distance.

i sighed.. "now that that's done i can finally rest."

i chuckled at myself before walking over to my king sized bed as i kicked off my shoes.
I flopped down onto my bed, tired as i let out a satisfied purr from all the comfiness i was feeling at the time
My eyes slowly closed as my mind was slowly and calmly drifting to a deep sleep before someone slammed the door open.

i groaned as i quickly got up and looked over to see none other than my Great soldier Blue.

"what is it that you need Blue?"

"We..found a hunter in our Village"

"Blue, Please. There was no hunter since the war ended."

"But somehow this one managed to get through the protection barried portal.."

"Oh? You know Blue. You have caught my interest then."

i could see Blue Flinch. It is not everyday you get to catch The Prince's interest.

"may i know where you put The Hunter?"

"He's in the dungeon." Blue responsed while keeping his head high and keeping eye contact with me

"Alright. Then lead the way, i want to take a look at this little 'hunter'. Also call Sci and tell him to bring the Hunter to the medic office."

"of course Prince Rea-"

"Blue. Remember that's not a name you use when speaking to me."

"My apologizes Prince Death.."

"That is alot better. Now go and come back when you inform Sci about my request."

"Of course Prince Death."

" you are dismissed."

I saw Blue Nod before i turned my back at him and dismissed him.

I could hear his footsteps leave the room and the door being closed behind.

i was curious. How did a hunter get here? Our portals are secured when being opened.
only if Ink didn't secure his because he was panicking..no thats not possible..the portals get secured automaticly..only..if he was a Raven like us.

which haha..can't be possible right? I doubt one of us would betray our kingdom..right? After all the mortals had done to us they wouldnt dare to do that.

But if they do betray my kingdom..ohoho they get a really slow and painfill punishment~

I looked out of the window before i heard a knock on my door.

i turned my head over at the door curiously, and sighed "Come in."

I saw Blue walk in again, wow did time really went that fast while i was in my thoughs? Zamn i gotta snap out of it

"My Prince. Its all set up. Do you wish to come with me?"

"Of course Blue. Why wouldn't i? After all i ordered you to do it."

"y-yeah my Prince. My apologizes, that was a stupid question."

"correct. Now lead the way."
I ordered Blue and he did as he was told.

He let me go first as i left the room with him behind as he closed the door and quickly hurried up in front of me.

He was leading the way through the same looking halls on each corner of the Royal Castle.

We walked for a few more minutes before stopping in front of The dungeon doors. Blue stood still waiting for my order.

"what are you waiting for?"

"your Orders, My Prince."

"ah. Then please open the door for me so we can enter and see our mysterious Hunter~"

"of course my Prince."

Blue said before walking to the door, grabbing the handle and twisting it. As the big metal Door opens in front of me and Him.

He opened it up wide enough for me to enter.

~ E n d  O f  T h e  C h a p t e r ~

sorry for any mistakes!

leave a vote if you wish to!

sorry for late update!

Enjoy ya day/night and peace out!


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