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"jinnie, come back!" minho said, frustated by the little, who was running around in the older's living room. "nuh!"

hyunjin was now in his headspace finally after a long time. but he protested a lot. he didn't want to eat his favorite animal crackers nor drawing. 

minho was...., well, a little too much frustated. he should've to go to work today but he couldn't leave his baby alone.

"hyunjin, stop!" the older yelled and hyunjin stopped immediately. well, tried because he fell over and hurt his head.

he cried out in pain, minho running to him with concern.

"aish bub.. why couldn't you listen to daddy. stay here, i'm going to bring ice."

minutes later minho came back with a bag of ice, the little's sippy cup and his favorite snack. he pressed the icebag against hyunjin head, handing him the sippy cup. but he didn't take it. he wanted his daddy to hold it to his lips. what minho eventually did.

"m-me ish so-sowwy da-" hyunjin hiccuped and couldn't finish his sentence, tears pricking his eyes. minho's heart clenched at the sight of his boyfriend (and little.)

"it's okay sweetheart, just listen to your daddy next time. 'kay?"

"now, let's eat a little."

hyunjin nodded in response and let his caregiver feed him with some animal crackers.


omg it took a long time to came up with this, sorry:/

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