Omg it has been forever😭😭😭 A/N and entry?

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Hi! It's been forever and I'm so sorry😭😭😭 I lost motivation for a while so yeah sorry!

Anyways I've started going by a more common name not theriotype based! Y'all can call me Toby now!

I now go by He/They and I have found some things out I would like to share!

First off, turns out I only have 5 theriotypes, rat, wolf, deer, eel, and a Wolverine!

It turns out I have OSDD 1b and what I thought were theriotypes we're actually just alters so ummmm yeah.... But I hope y'all are doing well!

I have also been considering if I'm a Siamese. Cat therian  but idk as of rn!

That's pretty much it!

-Toby 💀
Also photo is just a bad picture of me in my mask!

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