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Draco was sadly picking at his plate. It was his fifth year at Hogwarts, but he didn't want to be there, he wanted to be home. Not Malfoy Manor, no Camp Half-Blood.

He missed his family and friends. He missed training againist Persephone "Percy" Jackson, he missed her most of all. His sweet Ocean Wave. His queen of the demigods and princess of the sea. He missed her lips, her warmth and her attitude that made him want to- Draco trailed away from the thought.


Draco looked up at the sudden noise. There in front of everyone in the hall was looking at some books. Plus a note, which was in Greek.

"Does anyone here know Greek?" Dumbledore asked slowly after checking the letter for anything bad.

"I do Headmaster," Draco spoke, taking the note once he walked up to him.

He read the note once in his head, then once out loud, "Dear Guest, We the Fates have sent these books, that will self read for you to watch to safe many people. This will safe many lives."

He kept "Percy will be there later." part of the note out, but his heart jumped at the thought of his girl, seeing her again.

Then his family, the Order of the Phoenix, the Weasley family, the Tonks and some Minstery of Magic people showed up.

"Draco, what is this about?" His mom, Narcissa asked him while hugging him.

"We are reading Percy's life," He whispered to his parents.

The three share a look of "well then be prepared" then sat in the seats, letting the books start.

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