Izuku Yagi/Midoriya Profile.

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Name: Izuku Yagi

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Name: Izuku Yagi

Real Name: Izuku Midoriya

Aliases: Iron Man, Deku, World's Richest Man, Armored Hero, Lucky Bastard, King of UA, Yagi's Bane, Yagi's Regret, I.M.

Age: 17

Occupation: CEO of Midoriya Industries, UA Hero Course Student, and  Founding Member of [Redacted]

Quirk/Quirk Status: Quirkless/Inactive

Abilities: Bonded to a Techno serum codenamed: Extremus that allows Izuku to Connect to any tech based machinery with his mind also allows him to create a super suit of power armor forming out of his pours in his skin hence the Nickname Bleeding Edge Armor.

Armor Looks and Capabilities:

Armor Looks and Capabilities:

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Super Sonic Flight

Super Strength

Super durability

On board AI Program codenamed: Jarvis

Energy based repulser blast


Lazer Beam cutters

Nano bot weapon constructs(blades, Bludgeons, Shields etc)

Mini heat seeking Rocket

Micro Missile barrage.

Life support/First aid

Compatible quirk replication ( can copy certain quirk effects such as[Redacted])

Self repairing

Uses it's own unique independent Internet network and is accessible anywhere on earth this tool was implemented after [Redacted] Attack.

Can not be replicated or Copied by a quirk and if User is aware of non quirk based replication attempts counter measures will deploy.

Can not be removed from user's body as it is bonded on the cellular level.


Though thought of as a playboy or womanizer Izuku Midoriya does have a Loving relationship with his 3 Girlfriends who affectionately call themselves the Sisterhood

1: Ochako Uraraka AKA Uravity

Izuku's first girlfriend and the leader of the Sisterhood

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Izuku's first girlfriend and the leader of the Sisterhood.

2: Momo Yaoyorozu AKA Conception

The second love of Izuku, and is a bit of a pervert but completely loyal to her sisters and Izuku

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The second love of Izuku, and is a bit of a pervert but completely loyal to her sisters and Izuku.

3: Kyoka Jirou AKA Sound Echo

Izuku's final girlfriend she is sassy and a bit of a tsundere sometimes but she deeply cares for her sisters and just as deeply loves Izuku as they do

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Izuku's final girlfriend she is sassy and a bit of a tsundere sometimes but she deeply cares for her sisters and just as deeply loves Izuku as they do

Izuku's final girlfriend she is sassy and a bit of a tsundere sometimes but she deeply cares for her sisters and just as deeply loves Izuku as they do

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Group photo location: [Redacted]

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Now Recounting the History of Iron Man

Starting with beginning of his Dream.


Next time: My Mind is My Quirk.

Stay Savage My Friends.

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