2.Sludge Incident/Exam Day

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Izumi's POV

It's been weeks since anyone had seen Izuku, hell it's been years since I had a proper conversation with him, ever since we left the quirk doctor he had thrown himself into support science and I had started distancing myself from him after that, I felt like he wouldn't have given up on his dream so easily, but he did and I was bitter about that he promised we would be heroes together but whe he was diagnosed as Quirkless he just picked a different dream. I knew of the Bakugou Twin's bullying him but didn't stop it, because I felt he deserved it for breaking our promise.

But now I'm worried he stopped coming to school weeks ago and shortly after that he never left his room, I decided to ask my homeroom teacher about it and he told me "Izuku Yagi graduated early". I was shocked I knew Izuku was smart but I didn't think he was smart enough to graduate from Middle School earlier than the rest of us.

On the way home I told Katsuki and Katsumi who I call "Kacchan and Kat" to come to my house today and see if we can find out what is up with Izuku. Kacchan scoffed but agreed Kat had a mischievous grin that honestly looked kinda scary.

When we arrived at my home I saw mom was in the kitchen, so I went to her first.

Izumi: Mom have you seen Izuku lately?

Mom barely looked up and said

Inko: Not recently, though I bet that's because of School, his Projects and him preparing for The Support Course Entrance Exam.

I knew then mom didn't know Izuku had already graduated so I told her about that too.

Izumi: Mom I talked to my teacher today because Izuku hasn't shown up for school in weeks the teacher told me it was because Izuku had already graduated from Aldera early.

Mom looked shocked she wasn't aware of this it was then the four of us went to Izuku's door we knocked repeatedly with no answer then Kat decided to talk from our side with a warning.

Katsumi: Alright Deku you got to the count of 3 before I blow your door to kingdom come. 1.... 2....

Then the door suddenly opened and we saw my brother looking completely different he was taller, More Muscular and Very handsome he looked at us like not a thing was wrong.

Izuku: Yeah what's up?

Izuku's POV

I opened the door after all that banging to see my mom, sister, and the explosive twins outside of my room.

Mom, Izumi and Katsuki looked shocked at my new appearance but Katsumi looked at me like I was something to eat, it sent shivers down my spine.

I asked them what was up, they asked more like they interrogated me about me graduating early and why I looked the way I did .

I dodged the second question with a vague answer stating a growth spurt and answered somewhat honestly about the first question.

Mom told me to take a break from my projects and hang out with my sister and "friends" I reluctantly agreed to walk with them the whole time Katsuki was going on about being the best, Izumi staring at me like she's trying to figure out the world's hardest riddle and Katsumi wouldn't stop Eye Banging me for a second.

I split off with them when they went to check a hero fighting with a giant villain I walked underneath an overpass when Jarvis spoke to me.

Jarvis: There is a potential threat coming this way via the sewer network sir, it is being pursued by your step father.

Izuku: Interesting.

I looked at the direction of a manhole cover as it burst open and out came a villain made almost entirely of sludge except for the eyes and teeth. He took a look at me and attempted to use my body as a skin suit but before he got close I partially activated my Bleeding Edge to create a armor gauntlet and fired a sonic wave at him making him stunned with pain then I fired a Repulser blast causing his body to explode everywhere but he was still alive.

Suddenly my step dad jumped out of the manhole or should I say All Might jumped out of the manhole nearly yelling out his signature catch phrase before I interrupted him and handed him the sludge villain who I stuffed into a bottle. He looked stunned at my actions and Asked how I managed to subdue him, I said I used a invention of mine to stun and incapacitate him that allowed me to capture him.

All Might seemed impressed, almost proud he barely stuffed the bottle in his pocket before taking off I thought he should have secured it better but hey I'm not a pro hero yet so it's not my fault if he screws up.

A few minutes later I heard a massive explosions I decided to check it out I saw the sludge villain holding the Bakugou Twins and Izumi Hostage using their quirks to reek havoc. I knew All Might should have secured the Bottle better as I looked around I saw pros on the scene doing next to nothing to help my sister and the others The kept complaining about not having the right quirk for the job so I decided to intervene I jumped over the barricade and Rushed towards the villain ignoring the calls for me to stop I pull my backpack off and put my hand inside to make it look like I am pulling something out of it as I activated my Bleeding Edge gauntlet again and aimed it at the villain's eyes and Fired a Repulser blast hitting him directly in the eye as I intended then I used a function in my gauntlet to fire multiple snare cables to grab Izumi and the Twins to yank them out of the villain's grasp.

Everyone was stunned the villain regained he composure and Shot a tendril of sludge at me which I dodged with a B Twist and then fired another Repulser blast at a higher level of power once again exploding the villain everywhere. The crowd that was present cheered at they witnessed me do. The Heroes tried to scold me but All Might stopped them saying if I hadn't acted when I did these children would probably be dead.

As I walked home my sister was staring at me like she had realized something, Katsumi looked at me like I was some sort of god, and Katsuki looked well furious as me and Izumi got home my mother immediately embraced us before scolding me for being reckless but really laying into Izumi for letting me do such a thing I got aggravated at this Mom kept say things like, How different I was or How fragile I am, And like How You Know he's quirkless Izumi then I had enough.

Izuku: STOP IT!

Mom and Izumi both looked at me shocked at my raised voice then I continued to glare at my mother. And spoke.

Izuku: I am not fragile, I don't need protection from the world, and incase you haven't noticed mom I saved Izumi and the Bakugou's not the other way around, Yeah I'm quirkless but I'm not Defenseless, I'm certainly not Powerless and I am going to show you and the whole world what the Quirkless can do by being the first Quirkless hero in history!

Izumi had perk up at what I said my mom looked at me like she was disappointed in me. And spoke.

Inko: Izuku Yagi you are not going to be a hero, I thought you gave up on that dream I thought you decided to go in support but I guess I was wrong how can someone with such a smart mind, not understand that you don't have a quirk!


I grabbed my things and Decided to leave and then my mom said in a almost cold voice.

Inko: You think you can survive on your own then go but if you walk out that door don't ever come back!

I knew she was trying to call my bluff but she didn't know that I was not bluffing so I walked out and never looked back I bought myself my own house and set up a work shop and then began to use some of the money from my investments to start my own company during my time living on my own I changed my name legally back to Midoriya and I got emancipated as well as studied and trained til the day finally arrived The UA Entrance Exam starts today now it was time to show what I could do.


Next Time: Practical Exam/Meet the First of 3

Stay Savage My Friends.

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