Chapter 7

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Our group made our way through the halls, and this time the hoard of people seemed to move out of our way as we passed. I don't usually socialize well with a lot of people, but this time it seemed to be worth it if people are moving.

Without the delay, we made it to Transfiguration pretty quickly.

“Okay class, today I have decided I will try something new with you. We will attempt the spell Avifors. Choose an item, it can be anything. If you do it correctly, the item will turn into a bird. And, if the bird isn't completely mutilated, you may get to keep it."

Everyone started chattering and took out spare paper or quills or whatever else they deemed unnecessary to keep with them, and soon the room was filled with the voices of 40 or so students all trying different ways of pronouncing Avifors in order to create their birds.

I knew the pronunciation, just not the motion we were supposed to use. I tried a couple of ways before I heard a pop beside me. I turned to see a small little bird in front of Draco, who smiled triumphantly. The smile didn't last long, though, because the bird seemed to wake up.. and started attacking Draco's hand. 

He sent another spell toward it, and the bird burst into a cloud of feathers. I covered my mouth to stifle my laughter, but he still heard me. He huffed at me, but he cracked a small smile as I pushed one of the feathers that had landed on my desk back to him. He looked at the paper that was still on my desk. "What are you still working on?"

"How am I supposed to move my wand?" 

He got up from his seat to crouch next to me, and he took my wrist gently. "Here, you're holding your wand too tightly. There, now that it's loosened a bit more, you can twist and- there you go!" The paper in front of me made a pop similar to what Draco's had done, but the bird that was sitting on the desk was a bit larger than his had been. 

It moved its head from behind his wing as Draco stood up, and it stared at me with its beady eyes. 

"You are so dead, Olivia. He's staring at you like he already hates you." Draco laughed, taking his seat again.

I scooted my chair back a little, and the bird stood up fully, turning his head at me. I shot a worried glance at Draco, and when I looked back to my desk the bird jumped up and flew toward me. I froze as it got in my face, but he landed lightly on my shoulder.

I turned to Draco. He was frozen in his seat. "How in the world does it take to you so quickly when mine wanted to gouge my eyes out?"

"I must just send out a good vibe."

"And I don't?"

We were cut off by McGonagall coming over to us. "Nicely done Miss Potter. 10 points to Slytherin. As for you, Mr Mallfoy, explain to me why there is a huge pile of feathers on your desk instead of the required bird?"

Draco’s POV

After a long 10 minutes of trying to explain my murderous bird to McGonagall, and ignoring Olivia's laughter, the bell finally rang.

I couldn't get out of there quick enough.

Next: Divination. Olivia walked next to me, that bird still on her shoulder. "Aren't you going to send that away? You can't keep that with you in class."

She feigned a horrified look and placed her hand on her chest. "What? Do you know how proud I am of my Cotton? I can't just send him away."


She straightened up a little, nodding. "That's what I've called him."

I seriously don't understand this girl sometimes. "You named him? Why?"

"He's like a little pet, of course I'm going to name him."

We reached the trap door, and I pushed it open for her. She thanked me as she passed, and we chose a small table near the center of the room, where Trelawney usually preferred to teach.

Blaise took the third and last seat at the table, and he introduced himself to Olivia. She smilied at him a little, but she mostly watched Cotton as he flitted around on her shoulder. 

Trelawney came up behind Olivia, and Olivia turned as Trelawney was about to tap on her shoulder. Trelawney smiled at her. "I love your bird! It adds more life to the room." She left our table to go to another group, and Olivia turned back around, her eyes wide. 

"Well, that was totally normal."


Finally it was the last class hour of the day.

History of Magic.

I hated this class. The only good thing is that Professor Binns doesn’t notice you're talking unless you’re nearly yelling. What took away from that, though, is that we have it with Gryffindor.

It was almost time for class to start when they finally entered the class.

Potter entered with his usual groupies, his eyes almost instantanly landing on Olivia. He smiled at her as he sat a few rows behind us. Weasley smiled at her also, and she smiled a little to them before turning around. 

As soon as she turned, though, Weasley looked down, a blush spreading across his face. 

I scooted a little closer to Olivia.

Binns started the lesson, but no one seemed to notice. Olivia took a few notes in the first several minutes, but she gave up when the class started to get louder. She stacked her stuff on her desk and turned in her seat to face me. "What's planned for after dinner?"

I shrugged. "We're free to do whatever. I'll be practicing Quidditch a little with a few guys from last years team, but after that I don't plan on doing anything. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I remember you saying something about your favorite places in the castle. Maybe we plan for that?"

I smiled. "That should be perfectly fine. I can meet you in the courtyard at midnight."

She flashed me a smile as she turned forward. "That's sounds perfectly fine with me."

Olivia Potter *UNDER MAJOR EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now