Chapter 8

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(Val's POV)

After jumping into the portal I start to fall towards the ground. I land on both my feet, almost losing balance last second. "You okay?" I ask as I look down at Perrito.

Perrito looks up at me and responds with a "Yes."

Now safe, I take a look around. And I can't believe my eyes. Everything is filled with green grass, flowers, and pink-leafed trees.

"Whoa..." I mutter in astonishment. It was until then that I realised something. "Wait, where's Puss and Kitty?"

It's as if God heard my question and they fall to the ground, first Kitty and then Puss. Except, Puss continues to flail and scream while on the floor.

He eventually stops screaming when he feels the grassy floor and looks up at us awkwardly. "Uh..." He says before clearing his throat.

"Whatever happened to jumping in at one?" I ask him.

Puss gives me a confused look and says, "What do you mean? I said we jump through as one."

I give him a blank stare, now figuring out my mistake. "Oh, my bad."

Puss sits up and looks around at our surroundings. And just like me, he says, "Whoa."

"For a Dark Forest, this place is pretty colorful," Kitty says. "I wish I had my quinceanera here."

Puss gets up and gives a focused stare. "The Wishing Star is here somewhere." His deamenor changes and looks at Kitty innocently. "Kitty, may I please see the map?"

"No," Kitty says almost immediately with a glare.

"Seriously! You wouldn't let me hold it for even one minute?" Puss asks while pointing a pawed-finger at her.

"Nope. Not even for one second," Kitty says, pushing his finger away.

"Come on, Kitty. You've got to trust me..." Puss takes off his hat, droops his ears down, and dilate his eyes.

This catches me off guard and I kneel down, putting Perrito down in the process. This is a new part of Puss that I have never seen before.

"Wait. Wh-wh-what's...What's going on with his eyes?" Perrito asks.

I stare at Puss, almost infatuated with his cute gesture. "His eyes...why are they like that?"

"Oh, Kitty!" Perrito exclaims in adoration. "You got to trust him. Look at those eyes."

"Really? You call that cute?" Doing the same, Kitty's eyes dilate and pulls her paws inward, just below her chin.

Perrito gasps at this. "Oh, look at her! Those eyes are even bigger than yours. Do whatever she wants, Puss."

Looking back at Puss, he fluffs up his furry beard and dilates his eyes even more. What the heck is going on? And why is this taking a toll on my well-being? Like, I'm feeling something warm and fuzzy inside of my heart.

"Wait a second. So poofy!"

Kitty purrs while opening and closing her paws.

I look back and forth between the two, afraid that I may be going insane. "What's happening to me?"

Puss and Kitty stand face to face with each other, eye dilated and everything. While that is going on, Perrito is stuck between the two freaking out about how cute they are. "It's all so cute! Cuteness overload!" As if he couldn't take anymore, he faceplants into the grass.

The two cats go back to normal and Puss asks, "Can we look at the map now?"

Kitty uses her foot to push Perrito aside before placing the map down on the grass.

Now open, words start to appear on the map. This time, I get to read it aloud. "'Follow this enchanted chart. It knows your path and knows your heart.'"

At the bottom of the map, there are four circles showing each of us in it. Puss points that out. "Is that us?" He places his hand on the map and his eyes glow blue, with his pupils changing to the shape of a star.

The ground in front of us starts to crack and the surroundings change. Instead of being bright and living, all the plants are dead. There's also lava, fire, and smoke everywhere.

Puss' jaw drops and he looks at the now filled map. "It says we must go through the Valley of Incineration, over Undertaker Ridge, through the Cave of Lost Souls? Really?!"

Kitty pushes him aside and places her hand on the map. "Let me take a look." Her eyes glow blue and her pupils change into stars.

And before we know it, the map changes as well as the scenery. The trees around us are dead, this time with green acid and green smoke.

"What?" Kitty asks, looking down at the map. "Swamp of Infinite Sorrows? Mountains of Misery? The Abyss of Eternal Lonliness? There's something wrong with this map."

I get down on my knees and lean forward. "Here, I want to try." I place my hand on the map, feeling my eyes change for a brief moment.

The environment changes once again. The trees don't look as dead, but the dark leaves are dry and start to fall. There is also a cold fog of blue filling the air.

Surprised by how everything looks, I read the map and say, "There's Drowsy Hollow, Lake of Regret, and Silent Meadow."

"I guess there is a different terrible path for everyone," Puss states.

"It's almost like the forest doesn't want us to make a wish," Kitty adds.

Perrito steps forward. "Well, I don't even have a wish, but can I try?" He places his paw on the map and his change.

My environment changes to a scenery of colorful hills and pink trees, almost like how we first came here. But this time, it's more prettier.

I stare with wide eyes while standing up straight.

"Oh, mine says..." Perrito starts to say. "We skip through the Pocket Full of Posies. Then drift through the River of Relaxation. That's sounds fun."

"No fair. Why does he get the good ones?" Kitty asks.

"Wander through the Fields of Quick and Easy Solutions, and arrive at the star. Oh, wow! That sounds fun!" Perrito starts to back up a bit. "Oh, but no. This is your quest. I don't want to impose."

"You hold the map," the three of us say to him.

Perrito gasps in surprise. "Really?"

"But don't you cross me, or your name will be Perro Muerto," Kitty threatens, pulling out her sword.

"Okey dokey," Perrito says cheerfullly.

We stop to look down at the map when a new circle appears at the bottom. And in that circle show four all-too familiar people.

"Uh, isn't that...?" I start to ask.

A protal open up in the sky just a few miles behind us, and a girl with three bears fall to the ground.

"It's raining bears. Time to go," Puss says urgently.

I squint my eyes to see better as to where they fell. "So, they followed us all the way here?"

"No time to explain. Let's go," Puss shouts to me.

I turn back to face them, and they are already running down the grassy road, with the map tied around Perrito's stomach. "Hey, wait up!"

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