The Arcanist Book 1

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  • Dedicated to Hajar Bakhshiani

The Arcanist, Book 1 

By Jule Antonio Aguilar

For my loved ones


Special thanks to my family, to my mom Antonette Aguilar, to my sisters Sophia Trinity Raval and Isabela Angela Raval, to my brothers Gabriel Luciano Raval and Michenso Aguilar, to my friends and to my inspiration. This will never happen without your support, thanks guys! 


An arcanist is a person gifted with arcane magic and is given a task to protect the world from harm. The gifted person is marked with magical symbols on his/her body. It will be his/her guide on his/her task. When the mark reveals itself, the person will be send under the Great Library of the Priscilla City. In there the person will be trained by the immortal one, the only person who knows the power of an arcanist. Every twenty years, another arcanist will be born but the mark will not be printed. It will reveal itself by the time the person felt something that makes his/her heart beats fast. Every arcanist's adventure is written in a scroll and is concealed in sculptures which are alike to them. Those sculptures are hidden in a secret chamber somewhere on the Great Library. One of those scrolls are translated and is written in this book so that we will witness the life of the greatest arcanist who faced the greatest challenge of life together with his friends and family.

Chapter 1: High at the Sky

High at the sky are beautiful blue heavens and white fluffy clouds of God. Together with the cool wind there is no doubt that living in the sky is not a bad idea. Different species of birds fly around it, even airships and sky pirates. Beau, a sky pirate captain together with his crew is hunting for a sky fish. The Falconer is the eye of the ship and the crew member that uses a sky scope to look around the ship. He slowly moved the scope around until he saw a very big sky fish.

"Captain I saw a big one!"  

"Alright everyone get into position! Get into position!" Beau shouted.  

Kasimir, Beau's nephew, is also one of the crew. He was getting into position until...

"Kasimir! Slay it. If you succeed, you will receive a special price from me." Beau said.  

"Yes uncle! I won't let you down!"  

While Beau takes charge in driving, Kasimir slays it and the others will catch it with the sky net. When they are near to it, Kasimir bravely leaped into it with a knife on his hand. The crew cheered for him.

"Yeah! Slay it Kasimir slay it!"  

"Cut its throat, slay it!"  

Kasimir stabbed its eyes, making it go crazy. The fish bumped into the ship making it hard to catch. Kasimir was nearly getting off his grip, but Beau shouted, "Kasimir! Hold on!" Kasimir gained his grip and signaled the catchers, "Catch it now! Fire the sky net!" When the sky net was launched, Kasimir jumped and opened his glider. The fish was about to trap, but it got away. Kasimir followed the fish and stabbed it again to the other eye. The fish was getting faster. Beau followed them and commanded "Catchers get ready now, aim!" The catchers are aiming at the fish. "Fire!" Beau added. As the sky net flied through the air, Kasimir felt something like the world slows down. He saw the net coming so he jumped and opened his glider. By the time he jumped, the world went back into its normal condition and the fish was trapped. When Kasimir has landed on the ship, Beau approached to him and said,

"Well done, Kasimir!" 

"Thanks uncle."  

"Tonight, we shall feast with this fish and celebrate Kasimir's day!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2013 ⏰

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