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"Your Highness, the child," the midwife whispered reverently as she carefully wrapped the newborn in a soft white sheet, the infant’s tiny chest rising and falling with the rhythm of sleep. Stepping forward, she approached the empress, her hands trembling slightly under the weight of the task.

But the empress recoiled as though the child were something vile, her lips curling into a sneer of disgust. "Get it away from me," she commanded, her voice dripping with disdain. Without a second glance, she waved the midwife aside, dismissing her with a flick of her wrist. The midwife, obedient and silent, retreated with the child, her heart heavy with the burden of rejection.

The tension in the room thickened as the door swung open, revealing a man of striking appearance. His golden hair caught the light, casting a halo around his head, while his eyes, cold and sharp like blue gemstones, swept across the room. At his entrance, the maids and midwife bowed deeply, their heads lowered in reverence.

This was Claude de Alger Obelia, the Emperor of the Obelian Empire—a figure both feared and respected. Though youthful in appearance, his gaze carried the weight of silent years and unspoken secrets. As his eyes landed on the child in the midwife's arms, a flicker of something indiscernible crossed his face.

He turned his attention to the empress, who lay in bed with her arms defiantly crossed, her gaze hard and unyielding as it rested on the child she had just brought into the world. A faint smirk tugged at the corners of Claude's mouth. How curious, he thought, that a woman once praised for her tenderness on all could harbor such venom toward her own flesh and blood. Perhaps it wasn't the child she despised but rather the reflection of himself in the infant’s features—a reflection she could not bear.

The resemblance between the baby and himself was uncanny, as if she were a perfect replica molded from his own image, like two drops of water. There was no trace of the empress in the child’s delicate features, a fact that, to his surprise, brought the emperor a sense of relief.

With a casual wave of his hand, Claude signaled for the midwife to bring the child to him. The empress's eyes burned with loathing, but he paid her no mind. The midwife, her voice barely a whisper, informed him that the child was a girl. Unmoved, he took the infant from her arms, his expression unreadable.

A girl, he mused, gazing down at the tiny face peeking out from the white swaddle. It had been many years since a female heir had been born into the imperial family, and now here she was—his daughter, destined to be the future Empress of Obelia.

"Dorothy de Alger Obelia," he announced, his voice firm and resolute. "My heir and the future empress." He ignored the annoyed huff from the empress, his attention solely on the child in his arms. As if on cue, the baby stirred, her eyelids fluttering open to reveal eyes as blue and piercing as his own—a sight that only further confirmed her royal lineage.

Claude’s amusement grew as he studied his daughter. She was so much like him. Would she grow to inherit not only his looks but also his temperament? The thought intrigued him. Casting one last glance at his wife, who now stared sullenly out the window, he turned on his heel and left the room, the weight of the future resting in his arms.


Weeks had passed, and the empire of Obelia basked in the tranquility of a peaceful day. In the emperor’s private chambers, the luxurious crib that had been prepared for the new princess was now occupied by the slumbering form of Dorothy de Alger Obelia. Claude, glancing down at his daughter, couldn't help but notice how she seemed to spend most of her time asleep, her tiny fists curled as if in a dream. The only time she truly awoke was when she was hungry. Given the empress’s refusal to even touch, let alone breastfeed, the child, Dorothy had become accustomed to bottle feeding. She never fussed, taking the bottle with an acceptance that seemed far beyond her tender age.

A delicate yawn escaped the baby’s lips as she slowly blinked her eyes open, adjusting to the light of the room after yet another long nap.

It had been three weeks.

Three weeks since Lee Eunbi, an ordinary university student, had died in a tragic bus accident and found herself reborn in one of her favorite novels, *Who Made Me a Princess.* The moment she awoke in this unfamiliar world, she was met with the intense, soul-piercing gaze of Emperor Claude de Alger Obelia, the very same character she had read about countless times. His cerulean blue eyes had seemed to dissect her with a mere glance, leaving her breathless and terrified. She had been certain that this was the end—that she was about to be killed by the cold emperor she had once admired from a safe distance on the page.

But fate had other plans.

To her relief, a red-haired knight had rushed forward, his panic evident as he hastily took her from Claude’s arms and corrected the emperor’s awkward grip on the newborn. That was the moment Lee Eunbi realized with a jolt that this wasn’t her world anymore. She had been reincarnated into the very story she had loved so dearly, now living as a character who had never existed in the original plot.

The shock of this realization had sent her into a two-week spiral of confusion and denial, her mind struggling to process the truth of her new reality. But as the days wore on, she slowly came to terms with her situation. She was no longer Lee Eunbi; she was now Dorothy de Alger Obelia, the emperor’s firstborn daughter and a complete anomaly in the world she knew so well.

By the start of the third week, Eunbi had devised a plan. In the manhwa, the original protagonist, Athanasia de Alger Obelia, had initially planned to escape the palace before eventually deciding to stay and claim her rightful place as crown princess. Eunbi considered doing the same—running away to live a quiet life outside the palace walls. But as she spent more time within the palace, she realized that perhaps staying wouldn't be so bad after all. She had a roof over her head, food to eat, and the company of characters she had once only dreamed of meeting.

So why not enjoy it?

With a mischievous glint in her eye, Eunbi resolved to live her new life to the fullest, embracing her role as Princess Dorothy de Alger Obelia. The plot? Fuck it. This was her story now, and she would write it as she pleased.

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