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Blank Space - Taylor Swift

"Only God knows how much I loved you, Ethan." Those were his last words before he pulled the trigger and shot.

It all started a sunny day in late summer in Apex Academy. Hundreds of students pushed past each other on their first day of school, nervous and proud to have made it. Apex Academy was known for pushing their students to higher education. The school had high standards— making it in was a big deal and surviving it was close to impossible. 

People from different parts of the world pushed past the tight corridors and tried to find their designated home rooms. The juniors and seniors looked at them in pity, having flashbacks of their first day in Apex Academy. Amongst hundreds of kids, there was this one guy having the highest dreams of them all— Karthik Kaur. And let's not forget Ethan Dickinson.

The difference between them was visible to the blind— while one was patiently waiting for the class to begin, the other was fooling around with girls. When Karthik was studying hard for the entrance exam and cancelled all the plans with his friends, Ethan was going out and partying every night.

It was hard to believe that Ethan studied as hard as Karthik. Because he didn't. He only studied when he was alone, but still studied hard enough to get good grades. He was also fortunate enough to get the smart genes from his father who happened to be one of the most successful businessman in California— Mr. Enzo Dickinson.

When everyone had finally gathered around the classroom, the teacher opened the door and let everyone inside. After most of the students had seated themselves, she spoke, "I'm happy to see so many of you have made it in." Upon studying her face, Karthik realised it's the same woman he met at the entrance exam.

Slender figure, old but elegant dressing style, and brown hair that seemed to usually be in a bun.

"Don't worry too much, already. The first few weeks will be the easiest it ever gets here in Apex Academy." After her small introduction about the school and some of its basic rules like— 'If you get caught cheating, your test paper will be ripped in half', the class was allowed to leave and find their dorms as well as lockers. 

While Karthik was kindly walking through the crowd of students, he happened to bump into one particular boy.

The taller boy had a smile on his face that faded when his blue eyes met with Karthiks. "Watch where you're going." Karthik said in a calm yet stern manner. Amusement was visible on the boys face but Karthik didn't bother with it. 

The hallways were clean as if no one had walked on it and the lockers looked like straight of a movie. At this point, the whole school looked like straight out of a Disney High-School movie. As Karthik admired the school, his eyes caught the sight of a not-so-familiar face in the empty classroom. 

His jaw dropped when he saw the same boy from earlier hooking up with someone who looked like she could be his mother. This is illegal, was Karthiks first thought upon seeing that. Second was probably, how in the hell did he manage to hit on a teacher on his first day?

Karthik immediately opened the door to the classroom, which was by surprise unlocked. His gaze shifted between the blond and the woman. 

The young teacher abruptly left while muttering cuss words and an apology in a hurry. She shut the door behind her before leaving. Now, that guy and Karhtik were alone.

"Hello." He looked at Karthik with a cheeky smile. "What in the world did I just witness?" The question was meant more for himself, but the cocky boy replied nonetheless, "A hot boy hooking up with a hot teacher." He grinned.

Where's the shame?

"Why? Why are you like this?" To say he was amused by his cockiness was an understatement. "That's a deep question for someone you just met, don't you think?" The boy stepped closer. Unbothered, Karthik didn't move an inch. Instead, he gave him a disgusted look before turning back around. 

"Wait! Don't tell anyone what you saw." Did he really think Karthik would be bothered enough to tell people about this traumatising event? But of course, Karthik didn't want to be the only one being teased.  

"What if I do? What will you do about it?" Karhtik turned back around, facing him. He felt satisfaction as he saw his arrogant expression turn into an annoyed one. 

The boy studied his face for a moment before replying, 

"There's a lot I could do. Don't try me, sweetheart." 

Just like that, the two had met. Both equally unaware about the events in the future. 

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