Chapter 5:Terms

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𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 5:𝕿𝖊𝖗𝖒𝖘

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𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 5:𝕿𝖊𝖗𝖒𝖘

Yn felt her heart racing as she stood in the lobby, her bag clenched tightly in her hands. The grandeur of the building seemed to press down on her, making her feel more nervous by the second. She pressed the button for the top floor in the elevator, her anticipation growing with each passing moment.

As the elevator doors opened, revealing the extravagant penthouse floor, Yn's eyes widened in amazement at the sheer opulence around her. A maid approached her, "Are you perhaps Yn?" She asked as yn nodded the maid smiled "Sir is waiting for you please follow me" she said as Yn nodded, and the maid led her to a room, their footsteps echoing on the smooth marble floors.

Yn couldn't help but look around the place it was too beautiful never in her life she thought she would see such place she nervously played with her fingers unsure what was going to happen next. Her mind was confused with the things happening in her life all it took was one day, she sold herself, mark was well she was too confuses whether to feel happy that her brother was finally getting better or to feel sorry for herself to get involved with Jungkook.

Her thoughts where broken as they stopped infront of a door the maid smiled and left from there.Nervously, Yn walked into the room, her eyes cast downward. The place oozed money and extravagance. She walked towards the balcony, but before she could soak in the breathtaking view, she was startled by the door opening.

Her eyes met Jungkook's, who emerged from the bathroom with just a towel around his waist. Yn felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment, and she quickly looked away.

He somewhat ignored her presence walking towards night stand to pull out a cigarette as he lit it up puffing the toxic smoke.He sat down in an armchair, his gaze fixed on her. "Sit," he commanded, gesturing to a nearby chair.

Yn obeyed, her voice barely audible as she replied, "Yes."

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Yn tightly held onto her bag. Jungkook's unwavering gaze was fixed on her as he reached for a file and threw it onto the table beside him, the sound resonating in the room. Yn's curiosity was piqued despite her apprehension as she looked at the file unsure what to do untill he cleared her dought.

"Take a look," Jungkook commanded, his voice authoritative and unyielding. Yn hesitated, her fingers trembling as she opened the file. Her heart sank as she absorbed the terms laid out before her.

"Every Wednesday, at precisely 6 pm," Jungkook began, his voice firm and unwavering, "you are to come to this place, and our meetings will last for three hours. Not a minute more, not a minute less." Yn felt a lump form in her throat, the weight of the commitment settling heavily on her shoulders.

Jungkook continued, "In return, I will provide you with money or anything else you may need." Yn's mind raced as she tried to process everything. She desperately needed the funds to save her brother, but the demands seemed to violate her every thought.

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