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1. Chapter 1

Popular recommendations: Special Forces:

On the eighth floor of Yaxuan, only black card members who have spent over 10 million can reserve a high-end private room in the beauty salon.

In the bustling area of ​​​​Beicheng City, where land is at a premium, to be able to own a beauty salon in one building, Yaxuan naturally has a strong background.

Most of the customers who come here are rich or noble, and the most common ones are second- and third-tier female stars in the entertainment industry. Those who can enter the eighth floor are all upper-class wealthy families who can get a spot.

Qin Yao was wrapped in a champagne-colored silk nightgown. The skin exposed from the wide collar could be broken by blows, and her swan neck was slightly stretched.

She was born into a wealthy family and was married to Ye Zhan, the heir to the Ye Group who had a richer background. Her net worth had doubled, and it was more than enough for her to get into the eighth floor of the Elegant House.

Having just finished a series of beauty procedures, Qin Yao was sitting in the rest area drinking coffee with several ladies she knew well in the industry.

With her thin white fingertips, she flipped through a fashion magazine on the table.

Suddenly, I heard Mrs. Lin on the opposite side say in a surprised tone:

"Mrs. Ye, Mr. Ye is too disrespectful to you this time. He even personally supports such a little star who cannot be on the stage."

Qin Yao sighed in her heart when she heard these vague words that alienated the couple's relationship.

She raised her thick long eyelashes at the right time and looked at Mrs. Lin, expressing her confusion cooperatively: "What's wrong?"

The screen of the thin mobile phone that Mrs. Lin pushed over lit up: "Look."

Qin Yao's eyes fell on the screen, and an entertainment news headline came into view:

[Newcomer Yuan Shushuang in the entertainment industry is at the peak of his career since his debut. Prince Ye Zhan personally escorts him. He is suspected of having a new love, and the marriage between the two surnames Ye and Qin is about to break up. 】

What is even more eye-catching is the accompanying photo, which shows a handsome young man and a pretty girl in a red dress walking side by side on the red carpet.

The man who had always been serious about words and expressions now had a slight curve in his thin lips.

Qin Yao's lowered eyes flashed slightly when she saw the news.

Suddenly, he remembered that his wedding to Ye Zhan caused a sensation in the whole city and broke the hearts of many girls. Even now, there are still many people saying mean words, laughing, and waiting for her to leave.

Even if such a handsome and wealthy man gets married, there will always be people watching their marriage.

Qin Yao has long been able to handle Mrs. Lin's overt and covert probing and teasing.

Qin Yao showed no emotion on her face and pushed the phone back to Mrs. Lin with graceful movements. Her voice was gentle and clear: "There is no shame in talking about face between husband and wife. As men, they can't help but socialize outside."

"We wives naturally have to trust our husbands."

She vividly portrays the image of a perfect wife who is elegant, sensible and protective of her husband.

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