The Nuisance

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What was going on? What was happening? Ritsu didn't know the answer to that. All he knew was that he did not like this, at all, and he would honestly be better off not having this sight to begin with. Because whenever managing to make some time and comes over for a visit to a certain someone's office to see her and a tiny chibi–like creature with cat–like features, he would be there... Of all people, that one guy Ritsu never wanted to see. That thing looks like his older brother, but it's not. Or so he would tell anyone who would try to convince him otherwise. The guy in question? He would rather not say his name nor think about it and yet it had already echoed in his ears unpleasantly when the feminine voice said 'Rei–San'. The first name basis despite the '--San'... It pissed Ritsu off hearing that, especially when it came out of her mouth. He felt like getting the next best object and just throw it right then and there. Or he would punch a wall in if he could... He just didn't have the energy for any of that.

That didn't change any of this turmoil going on within him whenever he was forced to listen to it for a while. Sure, Ritsu kind of exposed himself to it all the same yet his legs would always grow stiff when hearing any sign of his 'older brother' talk. It was never anything special nor would anyone find this alarming yet it made Ritsu debate nonetheless. Even if he wanted to run every single time he couldn't. He was afraid what would happen if he turned a blind eye after all... Ah yeesh, this was such a pain! He didn't know what to do, how to handle this... After all, talking to Anija was not something he could make Ann avoid.

Ann herself was a translator after all, thus in charge of some affairs overseas, and if Anija had business overseas one way or another, whyever that was, Ritsu had to force himself to understand and swallow whatever bitterness had been building up at the time. Doesn't mean he likes it, far from it. Though that did not make his stomach turn, no, this would just make Ritsu dislike the situation at hand.

It was how cozy the two got, to say the least, something which worried him more than it should. Each time he listened the air was... Cozy, comfortable, the two got along. And something made him dislike it. This was just ticking him off and he couldn't handle it. If his legs would not freeze out of nowhere he would just barge in and drag the translator off without a word but he always hesitated at first to even enter. Even more when hearing an unbothered 'Nye' echoing through the door. It always made him shiver uncontrollably... All because of Anija's presence. And it was only when Anija was present. But then again, wasn't he just overreacting as well as overthinking something? He hated this, he really did, and yet he couldn't decide exactly what—

"Huh? Ritsu, what a surprise~" A rather unpleasant voice would always bring him back to reality however, making him always startled for a split second as he had finally taken notice. He was no longer staring at a door, all lost in thought, but a face similar to his. They even shared eye and hair color. The male was a little taller however and his hair was way longer and wavier than Ritsu's own... Anija, of course, and he had a sickening smile on his face. He never liked seeing it yet at this moment it just wanted to make him throw up right then and there. And yet, that guy kept talking with this frustrating smile. "Haha, why are you standing there? Come join us~ You can even sit on big brother's lap if you like~!"

"No thanks..." Ritsu tried to keep his usual facade, though not needing to try too hard to pretend. He was annoyed after all... He only had to hold himself back after all, to say the least. It was no secret how Ritsu thought about his own brother anyway, and it was not a secret to Anija either.

"Ow... You wound me." This one even dared to respond.

Though it only made the younger one of the Sakuma brothers glare at the older one, unamused. "Yes yes. Whatever you say Anija."

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