1 - child talk

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You had been nervous when you had come to the front entrance

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You had been nervous when you had come to the front entrance. Looking up at the overly preppy boy at the front entrance.

"Hi!" He greeted. "You're here all alone, little lady. Can I help ya'?" He asked cheerily. You couldn't tell if he was genuinely that cheerful and happy, or if it was some sort of ploy to make the kids who's lives were about to change a bit happier.

And maybe it was working, because your stiff shoulders loosened up. "Um... I'mlooking for somewhere to stay..." You replied, holding onto your satchel. "Can you help me...?"

"Well! That's my job!" He laughed forcibly, an arm on the counter. "Have you been alone for a while?" He was trying to ask subtle questions to know the situation he was getting himself into, without having to make you feel to deeply into your psyche.

"I don't know." You answer honestly. "I was out there alone for... I don't know how long. I don't remember anything."

"Huh, well that's new!" He admitted, tapping his finger against the counter. The other hand was on his hip as he leaned over the table, "Well, I can't leave a little kid asking for help alone, can I?" He hummed. "Do you have a quirk? We need to know in case it's a dangerous one... can't let in a psycho, y'know!"

You fiddled with your thumbs. "I can see through things." That's really all it was at this point in time — hardly developed enough to be considered dangerous, and the weird energy that came with it was something you were sure wasn't dangerous.

"Huh, X-ray vision! That's a classic!" He nodded, jotting that down. "Cool, cool, so then another question... How old are you?"

"Five." You respond.

"I figured you were around that age!" He nodded, "That's the same age as another one of our kids!" He wrote that down after speaking, and shifting to the last question.

So then, what's your name?"

You hesitated for a moment. You should be able to remember that. Easily, in fact. Yet you had to think about it for a moment. "I'm [Firstname]." You eventually answered.

"Ah, what about your.. Y'know, family name?" He questioned. It was out of respect that people would refer to others by their family name instead of their given, so he tried to dig a little deeper.

"I don't know." You responded, shrugging your shoulders.

"Hmm, well, do you want one?" He asked curiously.

You blinked sheepishly. "Maybe...? I-I dunno..."

"Okay! We need something that would suit you. Like, cutiepie? Cuz you're such a cute little kid!"

You shook your head, denying it out right. He laughed out loud, before calming down. "Yeah, I didn't think so... So then, maybe... Oguro! Since you're so little!"

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