cirst flass

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onn the plane-

" first class!! ive never been here before it looks like the inside of my dads private limo which my personal butler drove me to grammar school in  where i was taught latin!!'(*>﹏<*)′ " - Ja mes say.

Mr marriot peers over his right shoulder to the seat next to himm which gearge memeulous is sat in and discorvers he is play Angry Birds 2 on his ipad because. autistic

" okay, what the flip"- James

" Right Okay- odnt slander me ipads are the best technologic advances ever made to society and actually. arngry birds theme music gpes hard music goes hard"

then they made out

george moves his hand to James and he notices. He forcefully mpulls georhes hand in his and rubs his long throbbing thumb along his pale hands.he nibbles upon hios fingers and sucks them a little :) geoorge s hand is eventually soaking in james ssaliva and his nutty breath lingered.


idke what eles to write .

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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