Three days to Halloween 2k23.

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-alarm sounding at 8am, Saturday, October 28th 2023-
Ronnie groaned and looked down at his girlfriend who was cuddled up with her left leg slightly bent across his lower abdomen. He sighed at the thought of waking up his grumpy girlfriend.. knowing she'd likely turn into a toddler with screaming tears.. He groaned and slowly removed himself from underneath her, rolling her over and slipping a pillow under her head. Ronnie stood up and walked off into the bathroom, taking a quick morning piss before brushing his teeth, looking through the mirror in their restroom and seeing that Paige was still in nothing but a bright yellow thong and his band tee-shirt. He smirked devilishly as he threw his long black hair over his broad shoulders, stretching a bit before spitting, swishing mouth wash and spitting again then walking over to Paige. Contemplating once again if he should wake up his beautiful beastily attituded girlfriend.. no.. he'd first make her breakfast so she'd calm the fuck down a hell of a lot quicker. Ronnie Walker downstairs, he made chocolate chip pancakes with southern style cheesey grits and bacon of course. He poured two coffees and two large glasses of cranberry-pomegranate juice, setting the table and making up two plate before heading upstairs to finally wake up sleeping booty.
As Ronnie walked up he heard her giggling. He smiled, thank god or whatever truly is above, something else had woken her up. Ronnie walked into their room and saw Paige scrolling through her tiktok for you page, giggling. She looked over at him in the doorway. "Yes lover boy..?" Paige smirked at him. Ronnie blushed ever so slightly, but Paige noticed it, in fact she typically noticed everything when it came to Ronnie. From his intellectual portaging of musical lyrics to how sweet and caring he truly was. She knew every crease in his skin better than she knew her own body. She knew deep down he was the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. After all, who could resist a bad boy? Especially a badass girl like Paige, she just couldn't resist Ronnies' charming ways and perfectly sculpted self, everything about him she loved. From his broad muscular shoulders, to his weirdly shape duck like feet, she loved all his beauty, as well as his flaws. She saw him, the real Ronnie. Not the one he played for audiences of thousands, but the one that was uniquely hers and hers alone.
As Paige was lost in morning thoughts Ronnie had been talking and getting slightly more annoyed each minute that she had not spoken back to him, finally after 5 minutes he reached over and yanked her bright yellow thong swiftly towards the ceiling. "HELLO?!? Anybody in there?" He delivered a rather harsh smack to each of her booty cheeks before releasing the thong.
Paige had squealed loudly as she was pulled abruptly from her thoughts of never being apart from her future possibly hubby by the all too familiar pain of her thong being dragged up all the way through her ass crack. She shrieked as Ronnie delivered two spanks to her fat pale booty cheeks before setting her down with her feet on their plushy carpeted floor. She looked up at him and wretched her nose in a look of disgust. "Since when do you give wedgies you jerk?!" She shoved him onto the bed then jumped beside him, putting him into a full nelson before he could even register he had been pushed onto his back by her.
Ronnie groaned and started complaining. "c'mon babygirl lemme goooo, you've got breakfast waiting... No eggs just the way you like it... Chocolate chip pancakes too..." He smirked as she took the bait, releasing him and running downstairs. She sat and started eating, Ronnie ran downstairs as well and started eating as well.
Paige finished then waited for him. Ronnie finished and she put the plates in the dishwasher. Ronnie walked up and smacked her big ole booty, gripping it roughly before kissing her neck softly. "good girl huh.. why do you look so naughty but act so good?" He smirked as she blushed deeply before responding.
"Mm, i'm only behaving for you my dear, don't get things twisted baby boy I'm still a badass for life.." His smirk expanded a bit at her response. He pulled her to his chest and tilted his head slightly to the right before kissing her passionately. Paige kissed back, biting his lower lip gently to make him moan up against her mouth, she opened her eyes and smiled. Pulling away from him entirely before grabbing her car keys. "gotta go love, work calls" Paige grabbed her purse before heading for their front door when suddenly .... *SMACK* She jumped up in the air about 3 feet while yelping before turning around and looking at he boyfriend who smirked as he still held his black leather belt doubled over in his hand. "That's for teasing me when you knew you were about to leave .." he walked up and pulled her to his chest, wrapping an arm around her back he tilted her so one leg couldn't reach the ground before he kissed her gently. Smirking as she blushed deeply before kissing back, he stood he up an sent her on her way out the door with a firm yet not painful smack to each of her booty cheeks. "later babygirl" he smirked as she blushed and walked out their front door, getting into he car an driving to work for the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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