7- mask

71 8 2

"Every adventure requires a first step."
Mizeal Sabre

Fairly big Zexal Spoilers

It's night. There's no moon in the sky yet. A displaced barian emporer wonders if the moon seen in this dimension is made of similar material to the one seen from Earth. . .

Is it the one that was replaced by the numeron code when the whole dimensions were changed. . .

When Kaito Tenjo was revived alongside those proud brothers.. .


The barian turns to find Time in the living room doorway.

The steves face concealed by a collection of floating clocks -ones of all variety apart from sundials, silver chains, and little mismatched charms. A purple-blue nebula styled cloud further obscured the chronograph masked steve. Despite all of this concealment, concern bled through his words despite the hidden face.

The barian turns away from the time powered steve. A sigh left his lips as the sky came back into his view.

The time steve (who was nicknamed and then named 'Time') tiredly walked over to where 'Sabre' was positioned. Upon reaching his intended destination from across the room, he follows the not steves gaze to the night sky.

"Sabre, you okay?"

The barian nearly ignored his 'friend' when the perceived pointless question was asked. With his eyes to the stars he pretended -something he had gotten too used to doing in this dimension -really how gullible is this sentient race of beings?- to be following their pattern.

"I'm looking at the constellations Time," he took a shaky breath before continuing his lies and facade, "trying to see if there are any I recognise."

"Constellations? What are those?"

The light from the nebula cloud mimic, and the stars illuminated the braids of thread (blue green and orange) alongside the compilation of accessories that decorated the chains that bound the clocks together. The chains never letting silence sink its claws into the room, always breaking it by clinking together or against a charm.

Yet this only served to irritate the awake barian further...

"Constellations are patterns and pictures people see in the stars."

One arm moved upwards to point towards a crescent formation of stars,

"These groups are identified as they stay together."

Tracing the pattern in the air with his pointing finger, the explanation was continued,

"Overtime people make stories around them," the tracing stops, and the hand falls back to 'Sabre's' side, "Some based off of fake stories."

"Some based off of true tales."

Like his own and his friends.
And their combined constellation. The 'septem chao praenuntiae', otherwise known as 'seven chaos harbingers' or 'seven omens of chaos'.

His constellation was named 'septimus imperator', 'the seventh emporer'. Likely named as he was the holder of the one hundred and seventh card, and also likely named because his was towards the outside of the constellation -more towards the moon than the others. Yet within it -near the heart where the baria gem in his barian crest would be- is a star named 'cor dracones custos' or 'heart of the dragons guardian'.

He wonders if this means his tale was told as a story, a fiction of a humans mind rather than his own death defending his first partner.. .

"_ a-bre?"

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