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The next morning  I got to work as usual until Colby came into the room. "Hey Alex." He started, "I'm hosting a party tonight and I just wanted to tell you that you're invited. I looked at him confused. "You're inviting me to your own party." I laughed; "Why you don't wanna come?" Colby said. I never really got invited to parties and if I did it was probably for my grandmas birthday. "Yeah of course I- just a weird thing to say." I replied. "Well go get ready and come up to my office when you're done." Colby said as he walked off back up stairs. I walked to my room and opened the door to my wardrobe and pulled out that pink dress and put it on. I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself in it. "Ew what the fuck is this!" I shouted to myself. It was bright hot pink and very tight around me (which I did not like). I sighed and walked up to Colbys office and opened the door quite frustrated. "Did you put this ugly thing in my wardrobe!" I shouted at him. "Yeah I did why?" Colby said looking at me confused. "Look at it!" I shouted. "Did you expect me to be tanned from the sun and shaped like a Barbie with bleach blonde hair?!" I said. "It's what I bought you". Colby said as he pulled out his phone and began to type. "This bright hot pink does not Clash with my pale skin and brown hair ok, like I get it I'm from the UK but it doesn't mean I look like everybody in LA OK!" I shouted. "OK Jesus calm down I'll ask Tara to bring some of her dresses that you can wear, you ok with that" Colby said.


A few minuets later Tara walked in with a few dresses in her hand. "Ok, I've got a few dresses you might like come to my room and you can try them on." Tara said. We walked to her room and I went into her bathroom and tried the dresses on one by one and I decided to wear a long black dress with black boots, Tara did my make up since I didn't bring much with me. It wasn't really my style but I didn't argue. We left her room and she went downstairs as I walked up the hall to Colby's office, I opened the door a slight bit to hear Colby on the phone. "Make sure you get those drugs the party is starting soon; I don't want this to be a shit party." Colby said. What? I thought to my self, he isn't making me get drunk and do drugs is he?  Well I fucking hope he doesn't. I opened the door more as if I didn't hear his whole conversation. "So... what do you think?" I asked. "You look gorgeous sweetheart." Colby started; the party is starting soon I want you to go downstairs and sit with me at our table." Colby said. "Table?" I asked. "Yeah why?" Colby said.
"No... just... you just need to explain this 'table' I don't know what you mean" I mocked. If this Turns out to be a party where I have to hook up with every guy there then I'm leaving." I said rolling my eyes and crossing my arms. "Oh don't worry it won't I promise you; If anything happens though run to your room and lock the door it's sort of a hidden room so no one will find it and injure or kill you." Colby said.


*time skip*

It was the start of the party and that's when I saw him. He was blonde about 5'9 and looks very rich and dangerous. "Hey who's that." I whispered to Tara. "Him- that's Sam Golbach he's the rival of Colby; don't know how the fuck he got in." Tara whispered back to me. He walked into the next room and the laughing stopped me and Tara shuffled over to the door and tried to listen in. We heard Colby talking to him it was very muffled so we couldn't hear much. "Alex, you go in there it will stop something bad happening." Tara said. "What no you're kidding right?!" I quietly shouted at her. "Please just do it this happened last time and Colby Almost got killed." Tara said to me. Apparently one time the same thing happened when Sam came to one of Colby's parties and a huge argument started and Colby almost got shot. I opened the door and walked in I tried to make myself all flirty and tried to act drunk. I walked in pretending to stumble a little bit; "Hey Colbyyy." I said in a sort of drunken voice. Colby smirked and grabbed my arm and pulled me into his lap. "What's up baby girl" Colby said in a flirty  voice. "Who's this?" Sam asked. I looked at him my eyes wide and acting flirty you could say I was trying to seduce him. He smirked at me and took a sip of his drink some guy came rushing in with a chair and placed it down next to where Colby was sitting so Sam could get a better look at me. "So Colby." Sam started. "How long has this beautiful lady been working here for." Sam said. "Only a couple of days." Colby said. He turned to me asking for help because he had probably forgotten because he was very drunk and high. "Nearly two weeks... sir." I hesitantly answered. "Interesting... need someone as beautiful and hard working as you." Sam said as he winked at me, I slightly smiled at him and bit my lip.


*later that night*

When the party started to calm down a bit and most people had left Colby came up to me. "Alex..." he stared. "I want you to not talk to Sam ok... he always shows up to my monthly parties, I want to you to not talk to him it'll be dangerous for you; ok." Colby said. I looked at him confused because I had only had small talk with him  and flirted with him a little bit and it didn't become a hookup or anything more serious. "Yeah- I will don't worry." I said and slightly smiled at him and walked off. It was very confusing for Colby to say that to me because all that he was doing that entire time was he was smoking joints and drinking alcohol; I was very aware of what Colby did and Sam but I don't understand why Colby is so overprotective dad over his teenage daughter with me and Sam was probably was trying to hookup with me knowing that Colby will shoot in point blank in the face... I was starting to become very home sick and wanting to go home I didn't want to be here anymore, but the only person I could probably trust at this point was Tara it's like I didn't even know who I was anymore.


This was a very long part sorry I do try and keep them quite short but I had a lot to write in this part so yeah. Btw the story will become more interesting from this part forward so follow me so you get notifs when I post a new part.

Word count: 1237

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