Pick me

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My body ached, drained from the intense use of magic. The book fell shut as the Elder's old hand settled on my shoulder, checking to see if I was okay. But before I could fully register the situation, the warm touch of another hand replaced his.

Sebastian, my alpha, appeared, wild and frantic, his eyes filled with a mixture of relief and fury. His embrace enveloped me, and I clung to him like a lifeline. Nathaniel joined us, looking at the aftermath of the battle, his expression a mix of concern and anger.

Sebastian whispered my name as if confirming that I was safe. I managed a weak smile, reassuring him that I was okay despite my exhaustion. His presence was all I needed, and for a moment, the world outside faded away. In that moment, I felt protected, loved, and stronger than ever, surrounded by the pack that had become my family.

Sebastian's grip on me tightened, and he explained with frustration in his voice, "I couldn't get out of the house. It was like there was an invisible wall blocking me, and I might've wrecked the inside in the process."

I frowned, realizing what had happened. "Sybil used some kind of magic lock. She wanted to isolate us to take our heads out, but the pack responded quickly to the attack."

As the reality of the situation settled in, Nathaniel came over, his expression concerned. We shared a moment of understanding, acknowledging the danger we had narrowly escaped. The unity of our pack was the key to our survival, and it had once again proven its strength.

Sebastian turned to the pack, his voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you, everyone. You responded swiftly and protected our pack. I'm proud to lead such a strong and united group."

He then scooped me up from the ground and cradled me in his arms, his worry evident. "Lilian, we're going to have the pack doctor check you over."

Nathaniel, who had witnessed the whole ordeal, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you got thrown out a window. We need to make sure you're okay."

I managed a weak smile, appreciating the concern he showed for me.

"She really did yeet me" I say with a crooked grin. Sebastian took me there and the doctor was informing him he wasn't an expert on witch anatomy.

Sebastian got upset and started yelling. But I quickly told him that witches were in fact regenerated creatures.

Luckily, Sebastian believed me and now I was sitting in his room with a bunch of electrolytes and food. He'd gone out to sort the pack incident report.

Elder Rogelio entered with a contemplative expression. His eyes bore into mine, and he began, "Lilian, I've been thinking about what happened with the book out there. your threat to Sybil, something extraordinary occurred."

I nodded, eager to learn more, "Yes, Elder. The book responded to my command."

He continued, "I've never seen that before, Is there anything specific you did differently?"

I furrowed my brow, thinking back to that intense moment. "Beside, the need to hand her her ass? I don't believe I did anything different, Elder. It was more of an instinctual reaction, an overwhelming need to release magic."

Rogelio pondered my words for a moment before breaking into a smile. "Well, I wouldn't say you handed her her ass but you definitely got your ass handed to you"

"Listen, it's already bad enough I was thrown out a window, I don't need you dragging me any further." I say with a frown.

Suddenly, Sebastian walks into the room and noticed my frown. "Elder, why are you bothering my mate?"

"Your mate?" Both the elder and I speak out loud at the same time.

Sebastian looks distasteful. "Why else would she be in my room?"

"Perhaps you kids were having a bit of...fun" Rogelio suggests. I blink realizing this man made a very vivid implication.

"Respectfully, baby making is terrifying to me." I say with wide eyes. Sebastian frowns on the other end.

"Someone thing about being naked, just in the bed with another person, is nasty" I say shaking my head.

"It's should be nasty if it's another person" Sebastian argues.

"Alright then" Rogelio interjects.

"Elder was telling me about the book" I reply to Sebastian. He walks over and sits on the edge of the bed.

"Nathaniel found it not too far from here. We're very abundant in greenery, he said it was buried" Sebastian gives us background.

"Good to know" I reply from the bed. "Elder, what is your opinion on this?"

"I think it's time we get to work" he says with a warm smile.


Over the following days, we delved deep into the complexities of the book. Elder Rogelio and I pored over ancient tomes, consulted texts from renowned witches and wizards, and conducted countless experiments with the book's enchantments. It was an exhilarating yet frustrating process. The book's power was immense, but its intricacies seemed boundless.

We encountered countless spells, runes, and enchantments that defied understanding. Every time we thought we were close to a breakthrough, the book's magical language would slip through our grasp. It was like chasing a mirage in the desert, always within reach but never quite attainable.

As time passed and our efforts bore no fruit, I began to feel the weight of frustration. We had come so far, yet the book's secrets remained stubbornly hidden. My thoughts constantly drifted back to that pivotal moment when I had claimed ownership. What had triggered that connection? What had I done differently?

"I'm going for lunch" I announce. The elder argued distastefu with my choice. But he can suck it, it was my last and final attempt at least for now.

"Alright Rogelio you enjoy your ramen" I say shutting the door on the old man.

Donny and I decided to catch up. some fresh air and a change of scenery might do us good. So, we went out for lunch, a much-needed break to catch up and talk shit.

We chose a cozy little cafe, and as I perused the menu, I couldn't help but chuckle at Donny, who was trying to read it backwards for some reason. It was a harmless mix-up, but as I watched him, an idea sparked in my mind. What if I approached the book's enchantments differently, perhaps even backwards?

The thought gnawed at me throughout the meal, and as we sipped our coffees and shared stories, I found myself mentally turning the book around, thinking in reverse. Then it happened, just like a revelation.

The answer, like a sudden burst of light in a dark room, hit me like a bag of bricks. It had been there all along, hidden in plain sight on the cover of the book. It was so simple yet so ingenious that I couldn't believe I hadn't seen it before.

My excitement couldn't be contained any longer. I leaped out of my seat, my voice filled with exhilaration. "Donny, that's it! It's backwards! Holy shit!"

Donny looked at me, bewildered, but when he saw the spark in my eyes, he couldn't help but get caught up in the excitement too.

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